Friday Night Funkin – Tankman (Week 7, All Songs, Full Combo)

this week was overhyped, not a very good update but content is content.

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40 thoughts on “Friday Night Funkin – Tankman (Week 7, All Songs, Full Combo)”

  1. I didn't really enjoy this update as much as I hoped I would. Don't get me wrong, it's a great update. Just imo wasn't worth the wait. can't wait for week 20

  2. I feel this is the best update so far lol, they can't release stuff all as it's made, or else there's no buffer for when stopgaps come up in development, 'specially when they're making the full game soon.

  3. So are we not gonna talk about how pico just killed an entire army with infinite ammo then shot victory bullets at the pile of dead army men, not to mention that he could've just shot the guy bf was rapping against?

  4. I’m so happy this is out. And stressed is so amazing. That ugh animation is beautiful

    Fnf got inspired by a lot of mods.
    Ugh High effort
    Gf pico for stress
    And close together for Stress

  5. 'this week was overhyped'
    Yeah I can see that but it did have voice acting and cut scenes granted they didn't move around much at all but still.
    'not a very good update but content is content.'
    Ok now I have to ask if you like the game or did you hop on the bandwagon hopping to get some popularity?
    I guess adding quality of life stuff isn't something all impressive, you could say it should had been there in the first place but the fact that they took this long and then did the Kickstarter means the are taking this seriously . I'm sorry I love what you have done for FNF with your mods and your version of the FNF engine but to say its not a 'very good update?' is kind-of cap

  6. People out here looking at Kade saying "its a great update, just not worth the wait" and thinking he doesnt like it at all.

    And, I have to agree partly, anyway. This week was pretty good, probably the best in terms of spectacle, but my man Kade dev fixed the inputs himself quite a while back, and made a mod, which if you boil it down does quite a lot of things this week did, but way earlier.

  7. Wooow que buena animacion se hicieron la verdad esta muy bien hecha y el monito de las pistolas seguia el ritmo del los kicks de la cancion cuando disparaba la verdad que pasada este juego a pesar de que sigue en desarrollo no deja de sorprenderme ojala a futuro lo hagan online para jugar vs con otros jugadores


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