Friday Night Funkin – Winter Horrorland but Winter Wonderland so it's Confused but still FNF Related

maybe i am the lemon

Friday Night Funkin – Ninjamuffin, Phantomarcade, Kawaisprite
Winter Wonderland – Felix Bernard

Lyrics/Vocals – Alex Beckham
Chart/Video – Juno


33 thoughts on “Friday Night Funkin – Winter Horrorland but Winter Wonderland so it's Confused but still FNF Related”

  1. I do not know why but WHEN YOU ARE IN MY MEAT BOX makes me giggle it just makes me think of the characters like cats being told to jump in a cardboard box that has in black pen on it meat box hahaha

  2. I had a dream where I was in a POV rap against BF and halfway through the song his voice started to sound more compressed and his eyes started to become bigger and wider. And then realistic eyes opened from BF’s huge black abyssal faceholes like Bob and I realized BF was an Alternate from the Mandela Catalogue.


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