Genshin Impact – Albedo Sub DPS DEF Build Talents 8 – Festering Desire Lv90 Damage Test

Video show Genshin Impact – Albedo Sub DPS DEF Build Talents 8 – Festering Desire Lv90 Damage Test Gameplay on android iOS PC version 2020 , nintendo switch
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“原神” is a brand new open world adventure game independently developed by miHoYo. The game takes place in a fantasy world called “提瓦特”, where the person chosen by God will be awarded the “神之眼” to guide the power of the elements. You will play a mysterious character called “旅行者”. In free tr***el, you will find different companions with different personalities and ability to defeat powerful enemies and find lost relatives. At the same time, gradually explore ” The truth of the “原神”.
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48 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – Albedo Sub DPS DEF Build Talents 8 – Festering Desire Lv90 Damage Test”

  1. You don't want to test albedo fully tank? All artifact main stat is def except for flower and feather. Because I think his E is better than Q as a support. And E scale with def. I wanted to try it,but not enough resin 😔

  2. Which would be better for Bennett support, Favonius Sword or Festering Desire? At lvl 90 Favonius has 454 base attack and 61.3% energy recharge, while Festering has 510 attck and 45.9% energy. Both stats are crucial for him, but I wonder how big of a diff 56+ base attck is

  3. This is why I want him so much to team up with ning. But I accidentally got my 2nd diluc. I feel sooo bad to think that I maybe cant reach pity again on his banner with all free in game primogem.

  4. If you're using him for his E, the best build for him is actually Harbinger of Dawn. You get tons of cdmg and crit from using the sword, and you use his E, which is based off of his defense, so attack stats is useless on him. Now you can constantly deal 10k+ DMG from his isotoma.

  5. Just wondering whether FD Skills applied to his Transient Blossom (The one that triggered when enemies attacked within E skill's AoE) because from the skill description says that Transient Blossom deal Geo Damage (which is ofc Elemental Damage). Anyone have any answer about this?

  6. He only needs 40 energy for his burst. With a 45% increase on festering desire he can use his burst often. Especially if you pair him with an other geo character.


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