Genshin Impact: Barbara's New English Voice (Compared with Pre-1.3)

Bruh I already didn’t really like her old English Voice but at least that one had energy this new Barbara is dying of insomnia. But hey I don’t use Barbara so it’s fun seeing all of you either die inside or think the JP voices were actually anything past mediocre. Patch notes indicate that all languages are having an overhaul in a few characters, with the Chinese Amber being completely redone apparently. I’m afraid, to be quite honest.

00:00 – Initial Reactions
00:32 – Old Voice
01:01 – Go Barharbara Go!

On-Screen Recorder: GeForce Experience (Shadowplay?)
Microphone 2: FIFINE K669

Extra Links:
Music: n/a

Everything else in regards to me and this channel (alongside my attitude towards it) can be found in my “About” section. Thanks for tuning in.


22 thoughts on “Genshin Impact: Barbara's New English Voice (Compared with Pre-1.3)”

  1. Edit: Thanks for the tip y'all, I'll be going through the Story Archive rather than creating yet another account lol also my friend makes hitless Genshin boss guides if you’re into that:
    Edit 2: Also, y'all playing on JP dub, give CN an objective try sometime. The casting compared to the mediocrity that's the JP dub is so much better and is an instance of CN VA-ing actually being good lmfao. I’m staying on EN on my main account and CN on my alt since I’m playing for both an Aether and Lumine experience just for the record.

  2. It's The Same Voice Actor, Just There Are New Voice Phrases That Are Introduced At A Different Time From When The Original Voice Phrases Were Recorded So They Might Just Sound Different Since They Were Input Into The Game At A Much Later Time

  3. Imma be honest I didn't like her old voice. It sounded a bit raspy and idk I just didn't like it that's why I put the game in japanese. I might change it to english now

    Probably not cause I am a weeb but we'll see


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