Genshin Impact Hu Tao Official FULL Details Skills & Translation | Genshin Impact 1.3 Update

#GenshinImpact #HuTao #Beta
FULL Translation & Skill Details for Hu Tao in Genshin Impact 1.3 Update including Ascension & Constellations for Hu Tao. Hu Tao looks to be an UNKILLABLE Pyro BEAST. Hu Tao Ascension and Hu Tao Constellations look amazing!

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31 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Hu Tao Official FULL Details Skills & Translation | Genshin Impact 1.3 Update”

  1. Did anything change with your mic Howl? Maybe it's just me but you sound a bit different this time around. Perhaps a touch muffled compared to say a week ago in your "FFBE Savior of Souls Lightning" video. If I try to be more specific maybe the high end of your voice is being pulled back a touch and the low end of your voice has a little more "nnnnnnr" like intense perhaps (is more body what people say?) Don't know if anyone else feels the same. If it's just me (or that's a new sound you're going for) then pass on this comment of course.

    Thanks for your insight as always.
    Happy New Year.

  2. Do we know if she's an adult, teenager, or a kid? The amount of disheveled hair around her face seems to suggest one of the latter two. Doesn't matter just curious.

    I want my slashy slash Ayaka to have fun with Keqing…the wait (and gacha) is real TT

  3. This is not Official and everything written on the website is true to the current state in the beta that will most likly change for bigger parts or smaller parts, also Zhongli got some things removed that he had in the beta and so Hu Tao can get things she is missing or gets things removed

  4. "Official" – you know, honey hunter is a site not run by mihoyo, so it is FAR from being called "official". Also, the numbers are not final either, since this is just from the beta test.

  5. Which artifact set would be better? 4 piece crimson witch or 2 piece noblesse and 2 piece crimson? (I like her for overall character and design I do not care if she’s good or not just want to know)


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