Genshin Impact – Lumine vs Aether Reunion Comparison

Genshin Impact (PC / PS4 Pro) Lumine vs Aether Reunion Comparison English DUB Abyss Herald Update Chapter 4
#GenshinImpact #Lumine #Aether
Gameplay Raw footage edited in a synthetic manner for information purposes. All Gameplay played, recorded & edited by me.
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Meloo is a channel that produces Guides, Creative Edits, High Quality Lore Videos, Comparisons & Mods for new video game releases. In my videos I draw parallels, use Juxtapositions and other editing techniques to deliver my Gameplay in a transformative manner from the original narrative rather than full let’s plays. I usually focus on games for a more mature audience. All Gameplay is my own and is recorded and edited by me.


27 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – Lumine vs Aether Reunion Comparison”

  1. Noooo…Lumine is such a good girl🥺
    I can much more image Aether as villain because boys like to leave for justice
    And girls would wait for boys to come home

  2. Dayum, yeah Villain Lumine is definitely better for me, she sounds so hopeless and dead inside almost like she was tired. She looks more antagonistic since when she sees us for the first time in this scene she looks like she doesn't care and doesn't show any emotion, while Aether shows more emotion of anger and even look angry and intimidating. The point is Villain Lumine looks badass while Aether…. Aether just an angy boi 🤣

  3. Lumine's easier to see as "villainous" here definitely, but I don't think I mind Aether in the antagonist role either. Lumine seems more determined in her role and Aether seems more…anguished about what he knows. It's just a difference in emphasis, really, since neither of them seem like they're enjoying what they're doing. Lumine seems show more resolve for whatever it is they want to do after being wronged while Aether seems torn up about whatever happened and feels this is the only way to make things right.

    One more time for redundancy's sake:
    Aether: More anguish, less outward resolve
    Lumine: More resolve, less outward anguish

  4. To me Lumine fits more with the Abyss. It's not just because Aether is more leaned to as the canon protagonist but also because her outfit colours go well with it. Aether's gold colours don't go so well with the Abyss's dark, blue-ish purple vibe imo. Anyone else agree?

  5. Paimon is just here to explain the plot also PLEASE IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT THE SEVEN. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES THEY'RE HIDING THE MAIN DEAL!? LIKE LEGIT this whole "7 lands of teyavat" nonesense feel so hollow compared to the whole story!!!! There's more juice it's just a distraction lol-

  6. For me, both VA did an amazing job in this part, but still I'm kind of disappointed that our MC the one that we play (Lumine/Aether) weren't able to talk like in the previous cutscenes, when we were choosing our dialogues options.
    I think that is what is missing for making this cutscene perfect, but still it is pretty good.

  7. Really want hear cn cv of Lumine as the princess of abyss.. because I've heard Aether as the prince of abyss since I chose Lumine. And cn cv of Aether already made me like him like other characters. It just felt like he's not a character I can choose to get, but a character you need to wish to get 😂

    The “villain” does fit him more in cn cv for me, he sound so cool and calm like he know everything, like he really have gone through something and still cares about Lumine even though he's on the abyss side (still our enemy though they have their reasons).


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