Genshin Impact – Standard Banner Pulls

Since I don’t have interest on the upcoming character banners, why not use my saved up primogems in the hope of getting a five star! Will I reach pity? Will I get a 5 star? What/who will I get?

Only one way to find out!!! Let’s start wishin!! ^_^

#genshinimpact​​ #gachagaming​​ #hutao


39 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – Standard Banner Pulls”

  1. Uh i now am 7 more pulls to pity.. I wish i got Diluc or Keqing but i know the chances of getting any of them are very very low on standard banner

  2. Oh wow 😮

    But im also lucky bc i got CHILDE AND HU TAO IN A ONE PULL :DDDD

    No offense though
    I meant also by that in the Childe rerun so i wasnt the 1 year characters more like the 6 months character

  3. Keqing was my first pulled-5star.
    (and also my second.. was lucky enough to get her at c1!!) So she'll always have a place in my heart and on my main team-

  4. Why im always get diluc and qiqi all the time 🙁 i want keqing, jean and Mona :(((( at least keqing can replace my xiao, he need some rest after spiral abyss 12-3

  5. Don't. Use. Primos. On. Standard. Banner. If. You. Are. F2P.

    even if you don't like the character on the event banner. just don't spend it on standard, you'll lose 50/50 and get the standard banner characters anyways


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