CHONGYUN DPS BUILD 136K BURST DMG | Genshin Impact – Slexein

Op build for chongyung Burst Skills Damage Guide by Slexein Gaming, 136k Burst Damage Chongyun 4 Star Weapon Build.

LVL: 70
Constellation: 4
TalentLevels: Demon Bane 6 | Spirit Blade 4 | Cloud-Parting Star 9

Weapon: 4* Serpent Spine

2x Gladiator’s Finale (18% Atk)
2x Noblesse Oblige (20% Burst DMG)

Attk: 2373
CritRate: 65.2%
CritDmg: 191.5%
Cryo DMG Bonus: 71.6%
ElemMastery: 56
Food buff: Adeptus Temptation, Frosting Essential Oil

#GenshinImpact #Chongyun #Build #DPS


47 thoughts on “CHONGYUN DPS BUILD 136K BURST DMG | Genshin Impact – Slexein”

  1. Using bennet surcose mona literally boost chongyun atk. Just want to let everbody knows. Not everybody got mona bennet or surcose. I main chongyun here. Not really the strongest build but i build him on full set gladiator. Its hard to get high Crit damage and Crit rate especially if you are f2p. Serpent spine is from BP after all. Peace ✌

  2. I don't even know how to genshin properly, but my team consists of a C0 Chongyun, C1 Noelle, (3rd slot changes a lot depending on what I'm doing but it's usually Bennett), and then a C0 Xinyan. I think once the event comes where u choose a 4 star char I'm most likely gonna get xingqiu and use him as a sub support. I have a problem with changing my team and getting new characters bc I'm so used to my mains so I don't like changing it too much. Idk why I made this comment but I did, feel free to reply.

  3. Why in the world would you 2 puece glad over strayer? And if youre auto attacking 90% of the time why would you 2 piece noblesse instead of 4 piece glad??.

    2pc glad 2pc nob
    Glad increases your base attack by 18%
    Nob increases your ult by 20%
    This is literally the worst pairing.

    2pc strayer 2pc nob
    Strayer increases all cryo damage by 15% at the end of calculation. Increases ult by 15% thusly (Hes basically never not doing cryo damage.)

    4pc glad
    18% atkbase bonus
    35% damage bonus to all normal and charged attacks, what he spends 90% of the time doing.


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