I got CLAPPED in the Energy Amplifier Event… Day 4 Will be hard for WHALES | Genshin Impact

True Difficulty at its best

Thumbnail sauce – https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ez-EaKUVcAUMqWj?format=jpg&name=900×900

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39 thoughts on “I got CLAPPED in the Energy Amplifier Event… Day 4 Will be hard for WHALES | Genshin Impact”

  1. Seka : No Cryo No Phys Fuck… 🤣😂
    And im already try this domain, actually this domian it's real HARD bruh and im restart the domain more than 10x to get 5K god dammit

  2. Ive been wanting harder content but its always a stalemate for me literally cant get his health down fast enough and zhongli shield doesn’t break 😂 no max score for me lol

  3. I manage to beat it but have to dial hp to 25%. I think higher hp 100% increased difficulty dramatically. I used keqing electro-charged comp beat it.
    My team comp keqing, fish, Xinque and Diona.

  4. Hey seka, just did a session rerolling some f2p accounts and had some mad luck. One account with a Kequing, Second has Mona Bennett, and Third has Kequing Bennett. Which should I dedicate to? Thanks!

  5. Y'know, if you simply zerg the Herald, you don't have to try hard. I'm F2P and all I did was go ape shit till he got to 25% and then those minions stopped spawning. After that, its just staying alive and burning his shield.

    Edit: Did it on expert, 6K score- (didn't put an HP modifier and the one where he does a shockwave since I didn't need the points to clear max reward)


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