Travelers Fighting styles: Lumine VS. Aether [Genshin Impact]

The comparison between Lumine (Female Traveler) and Aether (Male Traveler) in Anemo and Geo visions


50 thoughts on “Travelers Fighting styles: Lumine VS. Aether [Genshin Impact]”

  1. their voicelines for their battles are also different, lumine normally is louder while aether is softer and calmer, however their playstyle is opposite lol

  2. I picked Aether in the story so can any Lumine mains tell me what weapon did Katheryne give to you? I played Aether so she gave me Prototype Rancour, surprisingly matches the color scheme of his design so well… Did Katheryne gave y'all Lumine mains Iron Sting? Since it goes well with her color scheme? Idk I just want to know if there are any differences in how the story goes even if just small detail like that

  3. i know the twins are the same in story but i honestly adore and love aether more than lumine 😀 like, she’s cute and adorable but aether to me is just something else. maybe it’s because i’ve grown attached to him since in my main acc he was my MC, but on my alt it was lumine instead and when i played on alt with a different MC it just didn’t feel “right”. anyways, i love lumine’s animations more, however i dislike her charged attacks. a lot. idk why, but i just do. character design wise tho, aether definitely wins for me.


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