Genshin's Secret 6* – Bennett Rapid-Fire Review | Genshin Impact

A rapid-fire Bennett overview for our unluckiest boi

Introduction: 0:00
Attack: 0:20
Elemental Skill: 0:34
Elemental Burst: 0:58
Constellations: 1:56
Role Overview: 2:36
Synergies: 3:40
Basic Build: 4:06
Summary: 4:26
Outro: 4:57


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5 thoughts on “Genshin's Secret 6* – Bennett Rapid-Fire Review | Genshin Impact”

  1. I remember in the first few days of playing this game I got Bennett twice in a row instead of some waifus and was pissed. Then I learned he was Broken da broken and have used him on every team since. In fact he’s the first character I’ve gotten to friendship level 10.

  2. Bennett was the very first character I pulled on the Noelle banner and I was so mad I didn't get Qiqi, who my brother got in his Noelle banner… Fast forward to now, Qiqi is falling down the tier ladder so hard and Bennett just seems to get better every time someone speaks about him XD

  3. Something I learned from a genshin friend is that Bennett's uncharged E skill has "double layer" when it comes to elemental reactions. By which I mean that Bennett's E applies pyro that lasts for 2 reactions instead of 1. There's a document floating around that shows the hidden application values for everyone's skill and burst, and Bennett and Kaeya both have double-layer skills.

  4. There's a pretty big error at the end of the video – building attack artifacts on Bennett doesn't scale his attack boost from his Q. His Q scales with base attack only. Base attack comes from character level and weapon stats only.

    That's not to say don't build attack/pyro damage/crit on bennett, because that build definitely works. Just don't expect it to make the attack boost bigger.


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