GUESS THE RANK: "SMURFING or Just INSANE?" – League of Legends

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00:00 Intro
00:48 Clip 1
03:03 Clip 2
04:10 Clip 3
06:06 Clip 4
07:10 Clip 5
08:28 Clip 6
09:28 Clip 7
11:41 Outro

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21 thoughts on “GUESS THE RANK: "SMURFING or Just INSANE?" – League of Legends”

  1. I have seen some really good silver players.
    I have seen some atrocious gold/plat players too.
    It’s hard for a game company to balance ranks because it is “ the more you grind, the higher chance of you going up in rank.”

  2. Should probably vet the accounts these players send in if not already to make sure it isnt a smurf destroying correctly ranked players. Pretty easy for a smurf to make POG in low elo games

  3. One way to have a good guess at which rank they are in is by looking at their teammates plays. It is usually guessable through watching teamfight positioning and overall champ awareness. It becomes very apparent when u keep a closer eye on that kind of aspect of the game. Just a tip, it is difficult to judge just from a single clip most of the time.

  4. Best way to know which elo is looking at the amount of kills and the time it's in. I'd bet highly that it's a high diamond elo gameplay if the kill death ratio per team is just below 15-10 kills while the game is almost about to end within the 20 minute mark, never reaching 30mins for most of the time.

  5. That first clip, they are kidding about diamond right? Nothing really out of the ordinary was played here. Yeah kench had a good save, but could have done it sooner. And the yone play could have easily been done by any fed yone. The big give away that it obviously isn't even plat was the leblanc. No diamond leblanc would ever turn to get an auto off on a very healthy enemy team while a galio is walking up with a taunt ready.

    It always baffles me how people can go "oh wow such big plays! Obviously that person has to be diamond or better!" when they look at champs like yone, zed, yas, etc etc. Champs like those, Riot basically spoon feeds "#lcsbigplays" into the kit. Give a diamond player and a bronze player a kog and watch each of them try to make outplays. There will be absolutely no doubt which player is which. Then they look at something like the shy and ww and go "well they wiffed so bronze". Yeah no… when your entire kit gives you 37 and a half different get out of jail cards and you are facing champs that even combined have less resources to make outplays with, it should come to no shock to you.


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