Hammond Skins Apex Legends + Rampart's New Shop & Path's Quest

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Hammond Skins Apex Legends + Rampart’s New Shop & Path’s Quest
this apex legends video goes over the hammond skins in the season 7 battle pass and ramparts new shop along with questions that will get answered in path’s quest book releasing febuary 2nd, apex legends ramparts shop, ramparts new shop apex legends, skins apex legends, hammond skins apex legends, Hammond apex legends, path’s quest apex legends, pathfinders quest apex , new rampart apex, new path quest apex, new Hammond skins apex, new skins apex legends, new Hammond apex legends, ramparts shop
#ApexLegends #ApexRampart #ApexSkins
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50 thoughts on “Hammond Skins Apex Legends + Rampart's New Shop & Path's Quest”

  1. Isn't that the church that was discovered off the map with crypto drone I believe under firing range but I could be wrong. Might be kings canyon. It was a bubble from a distance but when the drone entered it seemed like a 360 image

  2. They make it sound like we’re going to let their scummy marketing tactics slide. Whoever came up with that got closer to the raise that they need, and I’m sure they only did it because the people who market Apex want to have more comfortable lives. We should be blaming EA for this.

    Better yet, what we could do is just, you know, not fucking buy anything. If we want communicate to them that we don’t like this shit, we should be showing them instead of belittling them. Most of them are just trying to make a living. The higher ups in EA obviously just want to make their pockets and stomachs fatter than they already are, but ReSpawn’s devs are good people who actually respect us. We should be showing EA, the grand (size not importance) kings of gutter scum land, that this shit isn’t going to work. We’re mad about it but we’re still paying them the extra money. We’re letting them get away with doubling the prices to get things we want. It’s pixels on a fucking screen, you can live without it. What you get in the game won’t matter when it dies. If we all skip buying anything when they try this crap, or if we just stop playing altogether, they have to listen. If the schemes to make them more money bring their profits from a zillion bucks to less than 10 thousand, they’re gonna tuck their little pricks between their legs and waddle on out of ReSpawn’s business.


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