have you played a FUNNIER fnf mod than this one?

have you played a FUNNIER fnf mod than this one? It was September 2021, when I played one of the funniest fnf mods, Stickman VS Friday Night Funkin’. this is a re-upload of said video.

play the mod here
Stickman VS Friday Night Funkin’

Play Friday Night Funkin’ on Negwrounds ~

Play Friday Night Funkin’ on Itchio ~

outro ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFO8rvxGy7M

#fnf #fridaynightfunkin


48 thoughts on “have you played a FUNNIER fnf mod than this one?”

  1. Fun fact 1: in the moment 1:04
    The channel is the actual creator youtube channel
    Fun fact 2: in the same part, if you click any video, youtube opens and shows the actual video
    BUT if you click the Brant souls video (from the same creator) it give you an secret song whit mecanics, i am not saying what are or in what moment but there will be alot of arrows

  2. While you might not be a fan of double notes this is probably the tamest third song I’ve seen next to stomach ache. And the charting is actually good. Overall This mod is A1

  3. Stickman isn't made for this mod btw. He was in tons of parody videos made by the mod's artist and writer JzBoy on their Youtube channel. (They're pretty funny.) The reason he had BF's voice in the boombox was because he was recording it in his idle and playing it back when hitting notes.

  4. fun fact for anyone that doesn't know: if you click the videos on the right when you have to hit the play button to enter the week, you will be brought to the video on an actual youtube tab.

  5. There is actually a secret song in this mod. When your suppose to click play to start the week, If you click the video labeled "The Wrath soul Chapter 1" You will unlock a secret song. You dont have to play in on vid this is just so you know.


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