HIDDEN OP ABILITY COMBOS: League of Legends Tips and Tricks in 1 Minute #Shorts


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24 thoughts on “HIDDEN OP ABILITY COMBOS: League of Legends Tips and Tricks in 1 Minute #Shorts”

  1. Nothing too special maybe but the first two things coming to my mind is Vel'Koz' Q and W at the same time, the W kinda hides the Q and the second thing would be flashing in the casting animation of Ahri's E. Second also works with her ultimate which doesn't give you a range advantage tho, but the dash itself is hiding the casting animation of the E which can catch some people offguard.

  2. with zoe normally you would use the e q combo to secure some poke, but if you are confident with your aiming, then you could use e q bcus the second q will come back before e stun ends so you can land two qs one empowered with e

  3. My favorite sneaky combo is with Jhin. You hit/kill 3 minions with Q and time W to hit as soon as the 4th Q lands. Bonus points if they get rooted on a trap or under turret, or both, as well as if you have 4th shot up and/or have an engage support.

  4. My favorite (and most used combos):
    Senna's basic combo:
    Auto, Q, Auto

    Jinx's Kracken Slayer+Lethal Tempo double proc combo :
    W, Auto, Auto, Auto (3rd Auto will proc Mythic and Lethal Tempo passive) Fishbones, Fishbones, R (Lethal Tempo passive will proc again along with Jinx's Get Excited, prepping her for another proc reset. She can continue to keep using this combo, minus the ult at the end to rack up massive damage and even kills in a teamfight).

    Anivia's basic stun combo:
    Q, E, Q, Auto


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