HIGH ELO Best Champions TIER List – League of Legends Patch 10.21

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Patch 10.21 comes with changes to champions like Samira, Camille, Trundle, Karma, Aphelios, Nidalee, Graves, and many others.

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Concepts: Best ADC 10.21, Best support 10.21 best mid laners 10.21, best junglers 10.21, best top laners 10.21 patch 10.21 rundown, 10.21 lol, 10.21 changes, Samira nerfs 10.21, Hecarim nerfs 10.21, Graves nerfs 10.21, Nidalee nerfs 10.21, Camille nerfs 10.21, Pantheon nerfs 10.21, Corki buffs 10.21, Aphelios buffs 10.21, Trundle buffs 10.21, Lee sin buffs 10.21, Karma buffs 10.21, Udyr buffs 10.21, Nimbus cloak nerfs 10.21,

0:00 Intro
0:54 QOTD
1:21 Camille – Nerfs
2:41 Top Lane – Tier List
2:54 Hecarim – Nerfs
4:04 Graves – Nerfs
4:54 Nidalee – Nerfs
5:39 Trundle – Buffs
6:18 Lee Sin – Buffs
6:42 Udyr – Buffs
7:29 Jungle – Tier List
7:38 Corki – Buffs
8:07 Mid Lane – Tier List
8:32 Samira – Nerfs
9:29 Aphelios – Buffs
10:18 Bot Lane – Tier List
10:54 Pantheon – Nerfs
11:38 Karma – Buffs
12:22 Support – Tier List
12:28 Conclusion
12:49 Outro

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23 thoughts on “HIGH ELO Best Champions TIER List – League of Legends Patch 10.21”

  1. Omg you only play aram now too? All the rage queens irritated and I stopped playing normals cause I couldn't take it. I hate going to a place where the straight guys are bigger queens than I am. I work hard to be this flammingly gay and to have a rage queen 👑 come into the room and steal all your thunder is really annoying. Like I don't understand why these start crying like little b****es over a game dude. Not even me. I hate playing with sore losers. There are only two teams in the game you have a 50 percent chance your gonna lose get over it. If u teammates suck stop queening out on them it's not gonna make them better. Give them a task to do like ward, farm, and steal their buffs. So over RAGE QUEENS 👑

  2. They made 2 adcs (aphelios, shamira) that actually have the ability to influence the game like an assassin or a duelist/bruiser and now everyone is crying. Suck it up bitches and learn how to play against it.

  3. probably shouldn't have the guy detailing us a HIGH ELO tier list keep mentioning he only plays aram now… makes it feel like he's just reading from a script and not giving genuine opinions


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