Highlight: Go NCPD! (Cyberpunk 2077)

Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ https://cyberpunk2077.mgn.tv

Do you remember a big highlight moment? Let me know in the comments and it may show up in the future.

This clip was suggested by RamizS.

Watch more Clips & Highlights! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5dr1EHvfwpMbCysL-Z2AaFGNFVaYoBLS

Watch Cyberpunk 2077! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5dr1EHvfwpMbIonzAnnE4lcWR_u7DuDQ


13 thoughts on “Highlight: Go NCPD! (Cyberpunk 2077)”

  1. To be fair… Hm.. Ok… I do not think there is anything redeeming on the police a.i.. I guess you can say they focused more on the a. then the i.?? I've got nothing…

  2. In the future… looking at the cops will be punished by death. Because they are ashamed of their bad ai.
    By the way, i suggested some highlights in the comments of older videos. I don't know if you get a notification for them. But just in case, it was: Jackbox Party Pack 3 Part 7. And: Divinity: Original Sin 2 Part 80. The exact timecodes are in the comments of the episodes. Or you've already seen it and just didn't think it was good.

  3. It's not explained, afaik, but you can get your HUD hacked by NCPD or an enemy netrunner which hides your health by making it look like it's 0. I did the exact same thing the first time it happened to me, thinking the game glitched and I was invincible.

  4. I want to watch this lp so bad, but i have to play the game first myself… which i don't want to because i have a rule that i don't play RPGs day one and always wait a month or three until the broken quests have been fixed, the first few qol features have been added and the balancing has been tightened. And since this game simply seemed to have skipped the complete polishing phase and was shipped unfinished on top of that, this will probably take a while until this happens.

    But these and other highlight videos about how broken this game is, videos about all the lies that were told in marketing, they make it reaaaaaaally hard to keep that personal rule intact.


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