Hilichurl Da Wei joins Liyue's Lantern Rite Festival Eng sub | Genshin Impact live Action

Spent quite a long time subbing this, finally it’s done!
Source: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Dz4y1m7bL/?p=1&share_source=copy_link&share_medium=iphone&bbid=Z944A49D25136F154EC1A1CEA443EA1DE5CF&ts=1612716674

All videos are unmonetised


44 thoughts on “Hilichurl Da Wei joins Liyue's Lantern Rite Festival Eng sub | Genshin Impact live Action”

  1. The Lawachurl is wearing a Tengan Toppa Toppa Gurren Lagan glass, A tribute to Aniki (Kamina) and Simon.

    They rent a movie set of ancient street for a week to film this short video.

  2. bruh….

    childe arrived brought mora
    zhongli: ay yo we still homie yea
    childe: yea…yeaa

    jean still have to babysit that little elf demolition

    amber and kaeya now have a pickaxe(?)
    amber and kaeya: SO WE BACK IN THE MINE!~


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