Hitman 3 | PS5 vs PC Max. Settings | Graphics Comparison

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28 thoughts on “Hitman 3 | PS5 vs PC Max. Settings | Graphics Comparison”

  1. – La versión de PC corre a 2160p con todas las opciones en Ultra.
    – Ninguna de las versiones NextGen tiene Ray-Tracing por el momento. Llegará más adelante.
    – PS5 corre a una resolución máxima de 3200x1800p.
    – Algunas sombras y texturas son de menor resolución en PS5.
    – PS5 Parece tener mejor filtrado en algunas texturas.
    – Mejor distancia de dibujado en PC.
    – Los reflejos son ligeramente inferiores en PS5.

    Si queréis colaborar con el canal, aquí tenéis mi Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/elanalistadebits

    – The PC version runs at 2160p with maximum settings.
    – None of the NextGen versions have Ray-Tracing at the moment. It will come later.
    – PS5 runs at a maximum resolution of 3200x1800p.
    – Some shadows and textures are lower resolution on PS5.
    – PS5 Seems to have better filtering on some textures.
    – Better drawing distance on PC.
    – Reflections are slightly lower on PS5.

    If you want to collaborate with the channel, here is my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/elanalistadebits

  2. Y la versión de ps5 vs series x?? Yo la sigo esperando, a que ya dijiste que no la vas a hacer, pero no explicas el porque. Tranquilos yo les digo, la versión de series X es infinitamente superior y al publico de este señor eso no le conviene. Por cierto bastante hipocrita el no haber hecho un video comparando cyberpunk de ps5 vs versión de pc

  3. Son iguales no vi diferencias. Aaaah pero a ver q dice el LoconGamer… Locon hablate de esto… claro claro diras q PS5 se ve inferior y por mucho jajajajajajaja 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  4. Still waiting to buy Ps5 in VietNam, Sony Store VietNam still don’t have anything attention for customer like Thailand Store :(, so sad. I don’t care about res on ps5 because i still use the monitor 27” 1080p with 144hz =)), i hope Ps5 can run 120hz with 1.4 port, exclusive game of Sony better than Xbox now !

  5. I have a PC and obviously it is the best version, but the PS5 does run it clise and there is not much difference. I also ha e a PS5 and no matter what platform you ha e it is a great time to be a gamer.

  6. The main differences I've noticed would be:

    – reflections: surfaces are more reflective in 3

    – color tone: for some reason 2 has a green hue to it, which doesn't help when the surfaces have cold tones, where in 3 there's seemingly a gray/blue hue which helps with both reflections and sharpness

    – things are more blurry in 2 (especially bg)

    – it feels like I'm watching 2 through a movie lens whilst I'm watching 3 through my eyes (if that makes any sense)

    – lighting is also a notch better in PC (even if I do like the painting like feel in PS5)

    Nonetheless, if you don't have a good PC setup and/or can't afford one, the price is unbeatable if you get a PS5. Barely any difference, I had to stop the video to look through it, and while there are minimal things I've noticed, I wouldn't while playing.

    So, thank you for this video, cheers!


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