Horrendously Bad – Fnf fan song (Instrumental by @drmabeats)

I made this a while ago but.. the story is Bf and Senpai are playing a video game together and Bf is losing so he starts raging.


43 thoughts on “Horrendously Bad – Fnf fan song (Instrumental by @drmabeats)”

  1. It would be cool if after those events with GF, these other songs were showing BF spending time with peers and getting over it. (At least that's my interpretation of these songs you're dropping out of nowhere)

  2. ThugWizard's Senpai isn't canon Senpai, his Senpai is just a guy who likes vidya games…. And literally everything about the character is flipped on its head, GF tried to date him but he rejected her, he's defensive of BF and GF's relationship, He's not interested in relationships in general, and has to have his buttons pushed quite a bit before he gets pissed off.

    Least that's my head canon.


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