How Good is Apex Legends On Nintendo Switch (Review)

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Apex Legends is now live on Nintendo Switch and we got a chance to play quite a bit yesterday and how it performs with frames per second and some of the settings. There are also a fair amount of bugs some of which have fixes and some that have not been patched yet so it felt like we needed to share some of the issues and how to fix them!


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41 thoughts on “How Good is Apex Legends On Nintendo Switch (Review)”

  1. The problem I have with it is that it doesn’t feel enjoyable to play for me. I like to play on my Xbox and when I play on switch I just feel like a worse player. And I get frustrated that I’m not good on switch.

  2. Sup people God bless u haha I'm just learning how to main wattson on switch, i've never had the chance to play on my pc :'v so the switch port is like heaven to me haha

  3. I plan on getting a Ps5 or Xbox series X since the switch is in dock mode even in handheld mode also I feel like apex on switch is very buggy also on next gen I believe apex might upgrade graphics sooner or later for next gen constoles

  4. Every time I go to the middle of the map, I lose half of my frames and the graphic are decent but the performance kinda hard to master when it come to glitches

  5. Honestly fov kills it. I can get by with the glitches, no performance menu, low fps, frame drops in more complex areas, the low graphics in docked. But the FOV kills it for me. If they added that, even only for the docked mode I would take it.


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