how Hu Tao fans saw the 1.3 livestream of Genshin Impact

This video is just jokes! In all seriousness, even though I’m a bit sad, we really have nothing to be mad about. Hu Tao was never announced to be in 1.3, in fact she was never officially announced as a character at all. This should be a lesson to some of y’all to never invest yourself too hard into leaks because the whole point of a beta is to make changes before the official release. Don’t set yourself up to be disappointed. And either way, Hu Tao could be released in the last two weeks of 1.3, we just don’t know. I personally am still really looking forward to the update.

aye yuh song edit:

#Genshin #GenshinImpact #HuTao


40 thoughts on “how Hu Tao fans saw the 1.3 livestream of Genshin Impact”

  1. Keqing became pity block on ganyu now banner block Hu Tao hmm it's a curse.

    Keqing: going for Ganyu OK I'm gonna pity block you, so you want Hu Tao OK I'm going to take her event banner love me.

    You: (=_=) I already have you AT MAX CONSTELLATIONS AND WHERE'S HU TAO!

  2. XD its their fault for believing such leaks,
    Should've know that Hu tao's presence doesn't really suit the Lanturn festival/ the month February (look it up)

  3. Aether: LUMINE!!
    Lumine: heheh I disappear into the light

    Aether Players: *sobs and cries uncontrollably* WE WILL FIND YOU LUMINE!!

    Lumine Players: Aren't we forgetting something? Huh. Probably not important. COME ON XIAO COME TO ME

    The other Lumine players: WE WILL FIND YOU AETHERRR!! ;-; First to grind em levels

  4. Guys please dont show hate to mihoyo just because of this, they work very hard on their content, and since Hutao is death related, they didnt add her in the 1.3 because in chinese culture, death things involved in a celebration to represent new life and good fortune is not good. So we should respect their culture (keep in mind mihoyo is a chinese company) So, lets be patient ok? Hu tao fans, stay strong, this means more time to save up for her, better chance to get her right? God will bless you all if you guys will just stop attacking mihoyo for this, thank you.

  5. this is just a theory on Hu tao why she isn't with xiao this is logical
    so I see the reason for this to make sense, in china around Chinese new
    year (about when xiao and the lantern right festival) its seemed as
    disrespectful to talk about the dead (Hu tao is literally the manager of
    a funeral parlour) so it'd make sense, so after Chinese new year its
    certain to expect Hu tao


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