How this video game changed my life

I’ve always been told video games are a waste of time and that I should be prioritizing more important work like studying, but that doesn’t mean they’re worthless. Okay, maybe Zelda won’t help me ace my upcoming exam, however, I’ve discovered some valuable lessons from playing that have actually helped me prioritize different aspects of my life. In this video I dissect the mindset shift from gaming that keeps me motivated in school while also facing Ganondorf


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how video games are changing my life, mike and matty, mikeandmatty, time management, how to manage your time more effectively, how to manage your time, time management skills, personal development, time management strategies for success

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11 thoughts on “How this video game changed my life”

  1. So wholesome! Even I feel like relaxing or not studying was going to lead to not achieving my goals abir sometimes those relaxing moments actually add more value to your goals we are not robots and we cannot work all day long or all week on (ist more counterproductive actually) lol soory for my lack of vocabulary


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