How to add and take away a mod in FNF

What I did was I had a bf over gf mod i downloaded so I copied the games images folder from the assets so you can change anything back if you ever need to, then I copied the sprite sheets and the .Xml (the xml is necessary for the animations to work) from the mod and pasted it into the games images assets and clicked “replace” (that’s why you need too copy the original assets)

I know the video quality is terrible this was the only way I could do it so hopefully it helps at all


5 thoughts on “How to add and take away a mod in FNF”

  1. What I did was I had a bf over gf mod i downloaded so I copied the games images folder from the assets so you can change anything back if you ever need to, then I copied the sprite sheets and the .Xml (the xml is necessary for the animations to work) from the mod and pasted it into the games images assets and clicked "replace" (that's why you need too copy the original assets)

    I know the video quality is terrible this was the only way I could do it so hopefully it helps at all


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