How To CLIMB With Your PERFECT Champion Pool – League of Legends Season 11

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0:00 Intro
0:18 Why Having a Strong Champ Pool
2:48 Finding Your Champ Pool
5:09 QOTD
5:39 Finding Your Champ Pool
9:34 Mastering Your Champ Pool
11:03 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.16, Best support 11.16, best mid laners 11.16, best junglers 11.16, best top laners 11.16, patch 11.16 rundown, 11.16 lol, 11.16 changes, item buffs 11.16, dark seal nerfs 11.16 , diana nerfs 11.16 , fiora nerfs 11.16 , lee sin nerfs 11.16 , lulu nerfs 11.16 , tahm kench nerfs 11.16 , xin zhao nerfs 11.16 , ziggs nerfs 11.16 , fleet footwork buffs 11.16, redemption buffs 11.16, jarvan iv buffs 11.16, jhin buffs 11.16, maokai buffs 11.16, nunu buffs 11.16, shaco buffs 11.16, sivir buffs 11.16, vladimir buffs 11.16, sona changes 11.16,

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50 thoughts on “How To CLIMB With Your PERFECT Champion Pool – League of Legends Season 11”

  1. QOTD : Back when I was learning the game basics, I had a scary enemy with chains that I just fell in love with. Thresh has been my main for so long and still is next to Seraphine and Sona.

  2. QOTD: I don't really have a main champ or champ that I really like to play, I like to try out different champs as it makes me a better player if I know all different playstyles + if I new the champs weakpoints / strongpoints when I'm up against that champ I can abuse it. Usually I find a champ I like, play like 10-20 games with them and then get bored so I swap to a different champ. For me just playing one champ or just a select few is boring af as it just gets repetitive.

  3. QOTD: I never played any MOBA before league so my first pick was the old Mordekaiser haha them I enjoyed Udyr and played him until lv 30 in ALL LANES. Yes. Udyr mid / bot / top.
    Now I play one that I truly love and that is Swain. Just my favorite safe pick.

  4. QOTD: Sona its because she was very charming and when i look at her skills on her champ info stuff I immediately loved it and started to play her for a week until I saw Soraka and also played Janna. Sona is my first M7 Champion and First champ to have 100k points and first champ to have a triple kill lol. But being a Sona player is hard since a lot of people dont like you to play Sona and immediately dodgešŸ˜¤šŸ˜”.

  5. Yeah I think you can leave the "or whether you want to duel your opponent in a skill based 1 v 1" out from now on xDD. When i play toplane it is NEVER 1 v 1 (or skill based for that matter xDDD).

  6. QOTD: Thresh I just got the game to play with a friend and he told me to pick a support to learn the game and be in the same lane as him so I went Janna, hated every second of it, and still do hate Janna for no real reason. Next game he suggested Thresh he was in rotation, and looked cool, played him hit a hook and the worlds aligned for me. Now I play top lane by myself because my friend became super toxic and stopped playing, but Thresh is still that champion I love.

  7. QOTD: waaay back before I started the game I stumbled upon a few champ spotlights, with the most notable being kindred. Couldnā€™t even understand their kit from the video. IN GAME however, yuumi. Iā€™ve always like supporting roles in character based games, but league is my exception. Still play yuumi, but Iā€™m a kindred jungle main because I got tired of ā€œwhat are my teammates doingā€ reaaal quick

  8. tbh i'd love to main tooplane but i can't really play qiyana, who is my fav champ, in top and i feel like it's rarely a 1 v 1 lane bc junglers always camp me

  9. QOTD:I was installed league becouseof my friend and first champ that look interesting is aurelion sol and i am maining him now, then i didnt know how to play him or what runes oritems now i make runes and builds for him.

  10. I have question for pro guides, is aurelion sol bad champ, my friends are telling me to stop playing him becouse they dont know how to play him and think that he is very weak. I have mastery 6 on him and my only question is do i continue playng him or going for strong meta picks

  11. QOTD: Camille, I saw a jg player using her and deleting de adc with one q, after that video I realized that Camille wasnā€™t viable at jg and I start playing top with her…now I have 250k point with her

  12. QOTD: Before I even knew about League, I knew about Kindred, I don't know how I ended up seeing what I saw, I'm not a furry, I don't like anthropomorphic things, but I still.. y'know.

  13. QOTD: Reksai when she appeared at the start of the client, looked cool and I started to main her. Today Iā€™m a jungle main with Rek still in my top 3 in my jung champ pool.

  14. QOTD: Kha'Zix, wanted to pick an assassin when I downloading League, then I tried a few other champs and got rekt by a singed+twitch duo top, then I started maining singed.


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