How to Counter KATARINA – League of Legends

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48 thoughts on “How to Counter KATARINA – League of Legends”

  1. If you're struggling against match ups go try to buy that champion with Blue Essence or wait until they become free then go into the practice tool and just read their abilities don't worry about the exact rune page if you don't want to. you may need to hold the Shift key to see more information, then use their abilities on minions or test dummies to see what it would look like to succeed and not succeed on that champion (as in combo's and getting resets). Like in this example, put a Katarina dagger on the ground then use E to it, then use it to a minion and not a dagger and see what happens. Same thing with Irelia's Q, Tristana's E, or even certain abilities like Daruis Q, Illaoi E, Fizz W, or Thresh Q. Runes might change the outcome a little bit, but no runes can really make such a big change in cooldown reduction in the early game. It might maybe make an 11 second ability become 10 seconds.

  2. Today i was playing against kata as ryze i was 7/1 stopping all of her roamd she was 2/5 and at 20 minutes she got loose and went to 17/11 at the end of the game 😢 i got so mad, so maybe this eill help

  3. i personally just play wukong into her. all i have to do is press e and smack her with autos and q, then when she ults i ult
    EDIT: i match her roams by going ignite tp as well

  4. How to counter Katarina
    Mid: Beat her ass (easy)
    Literally any other lane: Slightly move your eyes to minimap every few sec, detect danger when kat is gone and midlaner pings 5974 times (impossible)

  5. I'm lucky enough to very rarely play against Kat, but when i do it is either very dedicated otp or smurf. And damn it's rough to play against her as useless mage. Even when i was playing Viktor, who is quite strong in lane, Kat just E on top of me, never connect any passive, face tank all my skillshots and still wins trade. Putting me low enough to be killed on her next E cd

  6. As a Fizz OTP i have learnt how to play against katarina few months ago. Before, it was perma ban for me or lose game but since have Iearnt it, I hope to play against kata. 😀 😀
    just love watching katarina crying under turret with 40% hp and 2 levels behind

  7. Me an intellectual and Kata main watching this video to see what other people might think can counter Katarina when I very well know that every champ can beat Katarina and trying to figure out what tricks enemies will use to "counter" me so I can use them against them.

    EDIT: Okay, fuck this. It's painful to watch this Kata. I'm out.

  8. 3:56 – You guys said something incorrect – "Katarina would use her last e to jump to him and finish him off", she just used e without a dagger reset to jump to him a few seconds prior therefore she does not have e. The trading ignite for flash would still be worth it however.

  9. This is why Skillcapped is so much better than MOBAlytics. Their guide would have just been "CC her and buy Zhonya's I guess lul" like every other counter guide they make. You guys actually go into matchup knowledge and how to punish mistakes and I really appreciate that.


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