How to Escape EACH Rank in League of Legends

How to Escape EACH Rank in League of Legends

In this video, we look at each rank (Iron – Platinum) and I explain what you need to do in order to get out of each rank or climb / escape each rank. Tips on how to climb out of bronze, how to climb out of silver, and how to climb out of gold. I hope these League of Legends tips are helpful for you and help you climb in ranked solo queue!



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38 thoughts on “How to Escape EACH Rank in League of Legends”

  1. Only thing holding me back from climbing is my god damn brain not working when I need it to. Shit focus, sometimes can't focus at all. I'm tired super often. Shit sucks.

  2. no offence but i have 230 ping with like 50 fps, and I'm bronze 2. and just saying in my few rank games i played,i played kha and viego for first time. it was back when i knew nothing about how to play the game. also about bronze like to blame others, i had a thresh top that went 0/4 against a tham, and then tried to ff at 15, byw i was playing veigar against galio and lane was pretty ok.

  3. This videos doenst make any sense. Im winning lane, 5-0 as annie, super fed!! My top lane int, 0-3 against nasus and he goes afk, my bot lane losing , 0-4, 0-4. My jungler is still lvl 5 at 14 minutes of game. I cant do shit

  4. I hate myself i just started ranked on a new account got to gold 2 real quick with janna but now i dont like to play her anymore and i dont know how to play other champs

  5. I always get banned each time I reach around silver 1…. It takes me around 1,2 months and then the stupid Riot bans my acc for toxicity, I buy new acc and all over again.

  6. Bruhh, I had 200+ms and 7 to 20 fps and still made it to bronze lmao. It even went down to 2fps in team fights.
    In wildlift I've got 150- 200ms sometimes it goes up to 500 but thankfully made it to plat. 40fps there.

  7. You can get up to plat by mechanics only, I personally got plat 3 without knowing basics of lane manegment or macro, I wasnt even looking at minimap if I wasnt currently tping back to lane

    You make it over complicated, teaching bronze player wave manegment, they just need to not run it down and they will get to silver

  8. im lv 89 and im still in bronze every time i reach bronze 1 theres always always a teammate practising a character in rank and they always facking feed i dont understand why they would practise character in rank do they not want to rank up??

  9. ive been in gold for a year, for the past few months every game is either a hard loss or a shit stomp no inbetween, id say gold is harder to climb out of that silver imo and i spent even more time in silver

  10. How can I climb when my botlane gets tilted after one death and just ints the rest of the game or when my jungler afk farms all game and does nothing or when my mid laner gets cocky and ints thinking they can 1v5 and throws the game, I'll be stuck in gold forever…

  11. One major tip I have myself that I don’t see a lot of people touching on is the ability to identify a team mate or one’s self moving in to a position with a high likely hood of fork(flank) potential by the other team. On my few accounts I’ve climbed out of bronze and silver with I constantly have to look out for teammates trying to move from mid inner turret in to enemy jungle perhaps chasing someone where it’s clear there could easily be a fork in store for us few if we followed behind and remained. As a zyra support main I play around my ult and especially when I hold a bounty. I made it a strong habit of mine to constantly ping my ult timer and availability maybe 3-4 times a minute. If I put myself or anyone else in a forked scenario and I have enemies coming at me from 2 opposite directions then that limits my ult effectiveness drastically if I am forced to do so and many other abilities. It is optimal to have the enemy all stacked. So my advice as a mage support is play very smart and consistent positioning as a back line artillery and if u ping that u have 20 seconds til ur ult is up prior to what u feel could be an engage that usually sends a message to ur teammates that they should take care.

  12. From my experience when I started in season 7 I had the hardest time winning my promos from bronze to silver. Just mained Galio, diana, taliyah and pushed through I think like 9 times I failed till I reached silver 5 and that was purely based of mechanics. From silver to gold that was a breeze to be honest. Roamed with Taliyah and galio and won the game with the difference of wave shoves and roams. Gold to Plat has been the hardest thing, I've been to plat promos at least 5 – 6 times at this point. However, I only ever put in 100 – 200 games a year so, been stuck in gold for 3 seasons now.

  13. My diamons friend is tryng to let me escape from beonze, he gave up, he can't do an 2vs8, super useless team except for me (i'm fed the 90% of the time) but all over lane are 0/20 every game, idk what to do

  14. I play Brand and Garen mainly. Mastery level 7 with each. With Brand I average 6+ cs a minute. with Garen 5+. I have a positive KDA around 90% of the time and I am the highest damage player around 70% of the time. I place wards and I destroy wards. I hopped into an ARAM last week and played with some decent guys and we had fun. Afterwards they added me to their squad and they were all Gold / Plat. They saw I was BRONZE III and couldn't believe it, given how I played each champ. I have a 50% winrate (less lately) yet I play consistently well in every ranked match. I hop from Bronze 2 back to 3 and forward again for a month. I am better than those players I met. They admitted there was someething seriously wrong.

    So is it either 1. I am the most unlucky person in the world 2. I am lying or 3. The game is so full of smurfs that make it impossible for people like me to get up from Bronze?

    By the way, my 9 year old daughter recently started playing. She got placed in Bronze I (where she still resides) even though her MMR is less than half mine. Also, her friends that she plays with suck terribly. They are Bronze II and III.

    Is the game telling me that I am the same level as my daughter and her friends? Because when I play with them, I pentakill multiple times a match and get called a smurf.

    So explain to me what EXACTLY is going on? 😀


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