HOW TO IMPROVE AT APEX BEFORE SEASON 12! (Apex Legends Tips and Tricks to Improve FAST)

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0:00 – Intro
0:40 – The “How” to Improving
1:44 – Topic 1: Movement
2:42 – How to Learn New Movement Techniques
6:05 – Focused Fighting Improvement
7:40 – Big Brain = Big Gain
9:02 – How to KEEP Improving

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14 thoughts on “HOW TO IMPROVE AT APEX BEFORE SEASON 12! (Apex Legends Tips and Tricks to Improve FAST)”

  1. One thing that has helped me get better fast is making a weekly list of 2-5 things I am actively working on getting better at and focusing those into my game. I think this helps a lot with focusing on a couple of things at a time rather than trying to change how you play completely all at once. This also helps me with getting better at stuff I already know how to do and it’s also important to think about WHY and WHEN the things you are working on will help. For example, this week I’ve been working on getting faster armor swaps and getting better at resetting in fights and not overcommitting as needed (especially in ranked). The overarching goal is to be more prepared for 3rd or 4th parties and not getting too involved as a 3rd party leading one or both teams focusing you or your team instead of each other. I recommend making a list including at least one movement tech or 2-3 in fight related aspects.

  2. i tell my friends in my discord this all the time. practice new movement tech. take the time in firing range and INGRAIN THIS INTO YOUR BRAIN. until its subconscious. its like memorizing a fighting game combo. from instant slide jumps, super gliding, wall jumps, theyre all button combinations that need to be 2nd nature.

  3. My biggest problem is hip fire honestly I always crack people but struggle to finish them. Or I lose from switching guns when their low(most annoying)


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