How to IMPROVE & RANK UP in APEX… | Solo to Masters – Epi. 4

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Distant – Spacey Trap Beat by Prod. Riddiman

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40 thoughts on “How to IMPROVE & RANK UP in APEX… | Solo to Masters – Epi. 4”

  1. As a girl gamer that doesn't talk on the mic because of the fear I have of the harassment I might get, especially because I'm not as good at the game, you're a huge inspiration to me and many more female gamers out there. Luv your videos :3 you're a huge inspiration <3.

  2. i was literally just talking about this the other day.. every time im going from gold to plat i realize my gold randoms were so much better than my plat randoms.. and i had no clue why.

  3. I love that you are full skill and not one of those gamer girls that show off their body to get views. You respect yourself as well as others and I appreciate that in 2021. Really happy to come across your vids.

  4. no cap overwatch is filled with dogshit players who cant leave a game they got a high rank on once!!!
    a ses pool of weirdos who feel at home around other weirdos
    it was a fun game but now days its just a stupid slideshow of idiots talking about who knows more yet cant execute any of the information they are pushing

  5. I'm not very good, currently gold 4, but get fed up with randoms that just piss off and do their own thing then expect you to pick them up. I play a lot with my friend so we have to join with a single random and it sucks so bad sometimes. Love your vids Lulu and thanks for the insight!

  6. 2 types of Plat players, 1.) PUSHES EVERYTHING, 2.) Sees another squad 300 meters away, IMMEDIATELY runs the other direction or as soon as the shooting starts they are GONE.
    I don't understand because placement really isn't going to push you through the ranks especially as a solo, they almost anyways die before top 10

  7. Hearing lulu struggle has really been helpful, i never play ranked because i’m scared of my teammates finding out i’m a girl. but recently i queued with a female and i turned on my mic and we both just talked about our struggles with the mic and being a female. I forget the girls name but she told me at the end of the day no matter what they say they will always be insecure people and nothing else

  8. Amen sista! 8:40 I so agree with you! I’m gay and I love gaming, specially Apex! I love it but I feel that people could be cruel and mock me or disrespect me for been gay while been in the mic, so I totally get you! But listen I love the way you play! Amazing af! Love all your content!


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