How to Improve Your Mechanics in League of Legends – Bronze to Diamond Ep.6

How to Improve Your Mechanics in League of Legends
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League of Legends Mechanics Guide: In today’s episode of the bronze to diamond challenge with Skill Capped, Mcbaze teaches Nama how to improve your mechanics in League of Legends.


Concepts: mechanics, how to improve, improve mechanics, mechanics guide, lol mechanics, bronze to diamond, episode 6, nama, skill capped, lol guide, basics guide


30 thoughts on “How to Improve Your Mechanics in League of Legends – Bronze to Diamond Ep.6”

  1. I like the nama arc but the manga did it better :D.

    Jokes aside great video. Im going to watch that warding video now. I would love to seea specific video on warding as an adc. I always feel like yellow trinket gets me to close to the danger and the blue trinket has to long of a cooldown while pinks/vision wards only get me in to a gold disadvantage.

  2. I actually use Quick Casts with indicators for basicly everything. Its not much slower than standard quick casts and lets you aim spells much more accurate (especially like this example when you cast something out of range)

  3. My reaction when he ulted in 1v5 was exactly the same as McBaze's :D.

    That Ori advice was so insightful. I am not even an Ori or midlane player, but it's so great to learn some new fine nuances of a champ. Ty McBaze!

  4. This has to be the most stupidest nitpickiest thing ever. Most of the time the gold guy did everything okay, the enemy was going nowhere but mcbaze was acting like the gold dude was 1 hp and needed to play like faker. Only thing he did wrong was fucking ult into the enemy team

  5. Si is probably why, even if I can answer right almost everyone of your tests, I'm still in silver II. I lack in general game knowledge and only playing a lot and find myself in different situations like one of these can help me improve. There is no marco/micro mistake here

  6. It would be nice to see a similar guide with Nama but with the current items. I think it would show how the pro's are adapting to the new item metas and also give users a taste of the coaching with the new items as we are all figuring out what works and what does not.

  7. But if you can't learn it on your own, only from higher elo play or guides… how do higher elo players come up with such strategies? That means they work them out themselves. That means everyone can work this out with some analytics skills… and become a high elo player : )
    …the one doesn't need to learn a new mechanics… the one needs to learn how to analyse the information to be able to work out new mechanics…

  8. Some knowledge you can not get on your own? hahaha please… these so called pros's coaches challengers etc. Most of them have learned this by trial and error and not by getting coached themselves. Meaning someone has to be the first at some point. Getting coached live in game is just lazy. If you teach yourself these things by watching your own plays. And if you can point out what you are doing wrong you learn more and it will stick with you. Having said all that, there's certainly some advantage to a coach or challenger teaching you.

    But it's not the only way as they try to make you believe in this video.


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