How to INSTANTLY INCREASE Your WIN RATE as ADC – League of Legends

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47 thoughts on “How to INSTANTLY INCREASE Your WIN RATE as ADC – League of Legends”

  1. wow, and just like '4 matches ago' i was playing with my friend and i was like "i really think people should stop following all the "best builds" so blindly", "people just go to a site, copy a build and runes and don't even look what they play against" (that was indirectly about him as well) and i was telling him pretty much the same thing as you did at 11:19. some people would go conqueror into a full poke team (which isn't always bad, i guess. some champs stack it with half their rotation, i get it)… and i don't mean adcs only there. at least i feel like this tip works not only in botlane. My friend is diamond and i'm only a plat, but i really think i'm right there. i will continue to take what i feel like is best for me. most of the time build from a site works, i won't deny that, but try something new and you will be surprised if you have put some thoughts into it 🙂

  2. The main problem as ADC is the support. "You have a melee support so play for lvl 2 aggresive" my nautilus: plays behind eating every poke from morg and ez, dying constantly. Of course those games are winnsble, but its just frustrating to play ADC. Pick another role

  3. I feel like no matter what role you play, you can learn the most from the bot lane and mechanics it takes to do well in it. Im a Support/Mid main, but learning the dos and donts of adc i find to be invaluable in many other roles, even JG. I dunno. Im solid, not great. Im old too

  4. Doesn't make sense. Jhin Q plus karma q is so much faster to wave clear than anything ezreal and morg can do unless morg starts w, which lets them get absolutely brute forced into trades and they auto lose the lane. Ezreal needs to let jhin push for a crash and stay healthy and then look to slowpush with the even minion rule. If you can't match a push then don't even try in the first place

  5. 8:00 That's just wrong. Leona has full hp and theres still 3 minions. Leona should be poised to block shit for Jinx, because if their bot lane engages on a full hp leona, jinx just kills Pyke. Yeah, Jinx should adjust her play to revolve around the Leona, but it's not just Jinxes fault. She's trying to get gold and if the enemy engages, they just lose the trade if Leona is positioned correctly, especially with a 200 hp vayne early game being the opponent

  6. 3:07 Yes, "Section I" was Ezreal's biggest mistake.
    7:50 Back off to drop a ward to not get ganked while waiting for the next wave.
    8:46 Play for wave control, look to harass opponents using poke from both you and the support; making sure to hit the wave and the enemy champions.
    10:34 In the lane itself, I'd argue that Varus's main mistake (outside of Rune-choice) was not considering that him taking enemy minion aggression from his harass will give Aphelios the natural push advantage and he does not correct this; he also does not ward at the optimal time (neither does Lux). This is a Diamond game. They should have an idea that Trundle could look to gank them at level 3 using a Red->Raptors->Krugs route.

  7. I had a game where I felt like the last mistake noted here was what did me in, for a slightly different reason. In champ select I knew I was vs bursty champions that dive in so I thought to pick xayah, and my support picked rakan to combo. We end up vs tristana and ap miss fortune, but thinking that due to the strong all in with rakan I could go lethal tempo was a mistake. I knew that lethality and aerie would be better for the game overall since their whole team was mobile, plus its her better build atm anyway. In game the rakan didn't play how he was supposed to, and through the mf make it rain poke with comet we get chucked out, and the game is over. If I hadn't played around what my support could do and instead built based on an advantage I could get by poking in Lane to avoid the tristana all in and keep them low would've been better in lane and in the game. Basically my point is gameplans also shouldn't rely too much on what your support should do as chances are they won't play properly and in some cases that loses you the game when you could've had a better chance with a different plan.

  8. This video doesn't seem very useful since it relies on the adc and their support having the same goals to begin with. Often bot lane is lost by the pair having different goals in a lane and not communicating or adjusting their playstyles for each other. For example, trying to get wave control won't work if your morgana turns her brain off and puts her pool on the wave to hit the adc 1 time, pushing the wave dangerously close to the enemy turret and ruining your control over it in the process. MOST teammates won't change their gameplan even if you try to communicate with them, so I really don't see how this video is useful for soloqueue. If you have a duo then sure, but this does not help solo adcs much.

    Also, this opens you up to getting griefed by outside factors like an enemy jungler or mid ganking you at level 2 when there's no logical reason to do so. Some people will gank when it's the worst idea imaginable for them and willingly put themselves out of the game just to make things harder for a random lane. It's reasonable to expect players to make objectively bad decisions just to single out and kill you for no reason in this game, because that's how many people play even at higher ranks. Sometimes I'd rather make a decision you would call "incorrect" if it means I lower the risk of some asshole griefing me in one of the many ways your videos fail to account for. If you're in low elo I would honestly recommend just letting the first wave push into you and trying not to let it hit your turret. THAT'S where you really want it, because you're then protected from ganks while still having a good position to fight your opponents. Don't fight for level 2 advantage unless you're an aggressive lane that can cheese kill in a very fast manner. Don't try to push your lane, it's just inviting people to go to irrational lengths to gank and kill you, all so you can enable your lane partner to do something they might not even capitalize on.

    I could go on, but my point is that this video's advice has some unaddressed holes especially in assuming people will respond to you in logical ways. If you do what they say here, you will probably suffer for it. If you're below diamond then you probably don't have the mechanics or decision-making skills to capitalize on a slight positioning advantage, a lane partner who understands what you're trying to do, or the map awareness to avoid unpredictable random things happening around your lane. Because obviously, we aren't challenger like these guys are, and I think they forget that with some of the advice they give. They also forget that even they can't win every game in low elo, because sometimes the random bullshit factor in this game is enough to put someone down even when they're a challenger smurf doing everything with robotic proficiency and prophetic decision making skill. If you're not as good as them, this factor of random bullshit is something you should probably be playing around and keeping in mind constantly, because it WILL hurt you if you don't.

  9. haha in my opinion
    the reason why ezreal was throwing so much was because of first strike
    i have definitely felt in the early game that "i must proc first strike as much as possible" but now i realized
    it doesn't really matter; its only like 20 gold anyway. just focus on farming

  10. So… I was silver 4 and I climbed to silver 1 in 1 year -.- i watched lit all mid videos. I dont ask for a refund but, may I ask for 1 more year without habing to pay? I mean…. I didint climb and I did play 2 games a day and watched min 2 vid every day (expt sunday)

  11. Thank you for the few seconds of positive Kalista representation :') Makes me feel slightly better after the long series of "Worst champions in the game" videos that mention her every time…


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