How to Play EVERY Bot Lane Matchup! – League of Legends

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37 thoughts on “How to Play EVERY Bot Lane Matchup! – League of Legends”

  1. Half of these examples are just supports inting the lane ie. Karma not tethering/shadowing the enemy adc (she should be mirroring the adc movements just outside auto attack range); Alistair not taking headbutt into thresh lane…

  2. or you get ashe support in silver, typing her to play lv 1 aggressiv to atleast get ANY value again xerath support.

    her level 1 was using ger W one single time BUT HEY! she also had no cdr items in her build and rushed DeathDance again xerath so what do i know about the game!

  3. you may get confused why brand not using any Autoattacks or standing near mf to be able to trade 2-2 back instead letting mf 1-2 trade

    this is because he works on a dark ritual. in the next 5 seconds a gigantic teemo will enter the lane, quickly killing enemy botlane and destroying the turret.

    otherwise i dont know what this cycle pathing means besindes from making MF ragequit.

  4. I love dropping deep vision as support, it helps both mid, jungle a my adc. However, each time I do my adc continues to push by himself and dies because he can't play safe for 5 sec.

  5. Steps to win with engage supp (written by engage supp)

    1. If you get lvl2 first crash the wave, otherwise, last hit until the rest of the lane
    2. Thin the wave if necessary
    3. If you are lvl 3 and at the enemy tower you're doing it wrong.

  6. 14:44 although yes jinx should have prioritized shoving, I feel like alistar further escalated the situation by headbutting Jhin towards a low hp, flashless jinx. Taking an already unfavorable situation and making it worse. Regardless i understand its not the main focus and thank you for the video it gave lots of perspective.

  7. As someone who plays ranged supports, I found this video extremely helpful. I've mostly known these things already, but I'm not very consistent when it comes to applying them, especially the deep wards (I usually place my ward a bit further up over the first river brush, which is not always enough).
    And I definitely hope that a lot of ADC players will see this, since it's kind of a coinflip if I'll get an ADC that pushes up so I can be oppressive with my Senna harass or Bard roams, or if they'll just let the enemy push with a big wave that makes hitting Bard stuns mission impossible while also leaving me vulnerable to engages.

  8. I was in plat 3 and I got flamed by a jihn for being "a useless leona"
    I mean I agree with him. I was useless that entire game because he pushed all the waves under the enemy tower. I cant dive every time during the laning phase when the enemy is standing behind the tower, I'll just die

  9. A video for low elo players! Finally! tears of joy
    So many coaching Channels are constantly ignoring us, missing a huge part of the LOL-Community.

    I learned so much about high elo stuff, but still don't know: What is my job as a support exactly? How do I decide to leave Lane? Why should I leave Lane? Am I important for objectives (since Leona does not deal any damage to them at all), and even more basic stuff:

    How exactly works wave control in every lane? When can I pick a mage instead of a real adc? And the most important: I have last pick but still no clue how to counter pick! gives me an idea who to pick but in bronze / silver it is better to get a champ you can actually play okayish instead of the perfect cointerpick which you don't like or which you can't make working. So I'm alone again with the decision who to pick without a good guideline.

    TLDR: Thank you fot covering low elo content and helping a bigger group of players, than by posting fine tuning stuff for high elo. Appreciate it a lot 💜

    Liked, subscribed, and actually booked my first course! You guys rock 😎

  10. it's more than this, like if you're against a zyra you got to heep distance as she hits level 2 cause she gonna poke you out of lane, how ever if you have leona,Alistair or rell(and only these 3) then you wanna bait her to over extend and go on her cause she still doesn't have E. you don't have to know every combination of bot lane duo, yet you need to know every champ.


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