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36 thoughts on “How to Play Like a YASUO MAIN! – ULTIMATE YASUO GUIDE”

  1. As a challenger Yasuo OTP on EUW with over 4000 games played on this champ, I can tell you this guide is absolutely useless and not in depth at all. Whilst this is a relatively easy to understand guide, it lacks most of the important aspects of the champ.

  2. How to play like a yasuo main? Easy just instalock him ASAP no matter what position you are playing, then once the game begins just feed kills until you reach your 0/10 powerspike, at this point type in the chat "gg no jg literally uncarryable team ez mid" and proceed to exit the game.

    Congrats now you play yasuo like a true master

  3. Step 1 : ban yasuo every game
    Step 2 : congratulations, your midlaner can't int with him and you can start winning games
    Wait are you actually saying someone playing yasuo can help you win a game ? For real ?

  4. seeing this video really brings to mind how similar Samira and Yasuo are as champs. I play a lot of Samira (bot and top), and the kits are extremely similar. projectile blocks, auto cancelling q's, e and q can combine. Samiras survivability, and mobility and cc are toned down in exchange for an aoe ult and a ranged attack

  5. I love these champion specific guides, even for champions I've never played. But can you include the champion's weaknesses too? They are important to know as well, especially for the people who don't play the champ.

  6. Step 1: Go 0/6 in lane
    Step 2: Blame everyone else and type “jg diff” in all chat
    Step 3: Wait for 0/10 powerspike
    Step 4: Carry the game

    I packed it up in 4 easy steps so you don’t have to watch the entire video

  7. Hi. In a few days I will have school LOL turnament. I wonder if you could give me some advices to help to coordinate team and maby some good strategy to fight for something. Avarage elo of my team is about silver 2 so if You can help me don't get too crazy with plans. I appreciate all help I can get. ^_^


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