How to systematically carry every game in League of Legends

This is a great example of how to systematically carry games in LoL!
Coaching Silver Jungle Hecarim vs. Shaco
The ideal Hecarim fullclear:


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►Edited by BottleofPop

Outro song: Nekoi – Exist



44 thoughts on “How to systematically carry every game in League of Legends”

  1. Thanks for the session. Really enjoyed it and the improvements you recommended will no doubt help me hugely if I practice and execute them. Highly recommend for anyone thinking of giving it a go. I still haven't nailed getting behind the big chicken though xD

  2. Want to get to gold and possibly plat this season. Working up from bronze but this is the first year I am going hard in ranked. Picked up Dr.Mundo and have a 68 percent win rate right now just by following your coaching concepts. Would totally get coaching but I am not sure my computer can handle the screen share at the same time will have to test it out. Already dropped the game settings and res low just to keep a good fps

  3. if i ever have enough money to get a coaching, the title would probably be "the worst player Neace ever coached" or something along the line.

    Even if I win a game, it doesn't feel like I deserve it LUL
    I really hope I get out of Iron this Season

  4. Playing rank for the first time ever. Only have been playing ARAM with friends but now I want to see how well I can do in Top Lane. Not sure what to expect. Just hoping to get to Gold since I'm still new to the game. Not sure if that is a realistic goal, but I'm here for it! Maybe higher if I can soak all of this content up! Thanks again for all of this NEACE!

  5. 16:30 You can climb simply by keeping the team from tilting by being a sportsmanlike player, Sky Williams used to call it DST dick sucking theory, less funny once the allegations came out though LOL

  6. Am I the only one laughing my ass off by the silver katarina talking about "this elo" and "soft inting heca" while he doesnt know wtf it means and thinking he can play the game on any lvl.
    oh just me? okay 🙂

  7. I really wish you had mentioned the fact that he almost NEVER used his W. Trying to speed clear camps and wasnt using W almost at all, even during teamfights sometimes he'd just hold the W for no real reason. Really frustrating to watch tbh

  8. Yo Nease I had an Idea for your YT episodes. At the start you had a little window that popped up saying that you can counter a ganks by determining pathing, Well you should comment just like that on certain senarios. Kinda like how rito gives you "tips" before a match (Even tho its stuff like "Dont know what to eat? Try Kraft dinner" Or something equivalent. But you cant give extra info or tips that you didnt say live. I think that would boost your views, not that you need it or anything, but no one else ius doing that on their tutorials/coaching vids. Its a great idea.


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