How to Teamfight as a Jungler in Season 12 – League of Legends

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26 thoughts on “How to Teamfight as a Jungler in Season 12 – League of Legends”

  1. i said low elo for the first clip because enemies prefered to contest a third cloud drake when behind instead of clear 2 boosted waves in their base, one top and one bot.

  2. tbh teamfighting always tricky
    being in the frontline is really crucial, dodge skillshots as much as you can or huge part of your health is gone in seconds, for assassins it's death when you can't use invulnerable state skills so try to flank when your job is to oneshot damage dealers

  3. im legit the best teamfighter in the world. but yea you guessed it XD my team isnt XD. Yea no soloq is too random and no communication. Sometimes its cool playing actual teamfights with 10 human beings on both sides buuut is not the case very often…

  4. But what does the jungle have to do with any of this? If im on zed mid i could and probably should do the same thing kha zix did in the first clip, if bot lane was the win condition

  5. hey Skill Capped. Probably different feedback than youre used to getting, but try cutting around 500-600 Hz in the EQ on your voice to help it sound better. When you were talking at some points in this video it literally hurt my ears so I cut that frequency a bit (-6-7 dB) and it not only helped my ears but made your voice sound clearer, more natural, and better all around.


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