How to WIN in Three Levels on ANY Top Laner! – Top Guide

How to Win in 3 Levels in Top Lane!
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Top Guide Description: In this guide you’ll learn the importance of the first three levels of top lane and how to get significantly better at laning as a top laner! Enjoy!

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Concepts: top, top guide, top lane guide, skillcapped


48 thoughts on “How to WIN in Three Levels on ANY Top Laner! – Top Guide”

  1. This is so much better then proguides. Having actually examples from lower ranks and multiple games is so much better then just tell me without showing me

  2. Holy shit, I'm extremely new to league, I have 1 account that is only level 30 maybe and the fact that people play this game with such thought and knowledge about all of these things going on amazes me

  3. the gnar example is so shitty, all I learned is that if your jungler is braindead and doesn't countergank you are fucked in that scenario no flash, no tp, jungler could be there, like bro cmon now

  4. So I normally play passive until I get my 1st item but here it seems play aggressive
    When am passive it means their jungle can't gank me but it seems to win I must play aggressive
    I will try

  5. I feel like at the ward at 8:06 is not very good bc its so shallow and the enemy jg is j4 who has very strong ganks with Jax tank setup which is good as well and you know that j4 is top side cause your heparin is clearing bot scuttle. Somehow j4 doesn't gank you even tho you are pushing and goes to try and gank mid instead at 8:27 which I think is just a dumb idea. I think you played lane really well but I also feel like you were in an extremely bankable position and the j4 just misplayed and missed a free gank. Im just pretty much wondering what would you do if j4 did rank you instead of going mid?

  6. In one of my last games a played Shen against Sett on top. On lvl 1-2-3 i killed him 2 times and got a cs advantage too. Then from lvl 6… i was exiled to under my turret because he hit me out from the game.
    Its was maybe or totally my fault, i'm a begginer Shen. It was just a suprise for me..

  7. I think to showcase how these mechanics work is the plat gameplay really good, but if the enemy top lamer has a brain he would never walk up like this. And I think it would be nice if you could show us how you win your lane against equal opponents

  8. Everything fairy tales all this guides and videos how to "win every game" has nothing todo with soloque. When you have all lanes minute 6 already 1/10

  9. I think he accidentally gave the best piece of advice without realizing it. It was that having 60% health makes you divable, at least early on and depending on your champ. This might be common knowledge, but I've never happened across it. I always thought a dive is only worth risking if someone is below half health at most, and that this would mostly stay true throughout the game. Now I'll probably still have trouble applying this offensively, since just because I now know this doesn't mean my teammates, specifically my jungler, knows it as well. However, I can at least apply this defensively, in fact this has caused me to reflect on some mistakes I've made in recent memory. When my opponent tries to chunk me down extra aggressively very early in the game, it might be in my best interest to get extra far away because they're making it possible for their nearby jungler to dive me. Even when I'd realize this, I was thinking "I'm only at 50% health, so even if they try to I could kite around to not die and kill them instead". Again, I'm going to use their aggression as a sign of whether or not they're setting up a dive. If they just casually trade or poke me when I position poorly and that ends up bringing me low, I'm likely not in any immediate danger. On the other hand, if they're pushing up extra hard to create chances to poke me, then I might have to give up that minion wave and/or get my jungler's attention.

  10. not saying this isn't a good video it is just more advanced than the title lets on. the title is also not accurate because it says "any champion", and most of the analysis being done in this video is opponent/champion specific. someone looking for the info the title insinuates isn't gonna be able to make these assertions about the enemy champion on the fly like this guy in the video so it is kinda useless for the target audience imho

  11. It seems like you came up with a theory, then tried to force the evidence to fit the narrative you wanted. Also I think you might need to work on your CS. Correlation does not mean causation etc etc etc…

  12. So what do you do if you're not playing a range champ like Gnar and go against someone with strong lv 1 like Jax or Darius? He'll just zone you out of csing and you have no way to kite back like with Gnar.

  13. Ok, question about the Gnar Jax match, you say Jax should wait until level 3 and all in because then he wins it (trade/kill whatever) How does this work? Gnar will hit 3 first because Jax is playing safe first 3 levels, when Jax finally hits 3 he has no way of actually going all in onto Gnar, if jax walks up to gnar, gnar will kite with AA's and Q's, Jax will never be able to walk into melee range to get an E off, now say Jax uses Q to get into E range, Gnar now uses E to get distance (Either before or after he's stunned doesn't matter a whole lot.) He then wins the trade by spacing Jax with AA's and Q's as he has no gap closer left. I don't see in any possible way how Jax can ever win this match up 1v1, if both players play correctly, he needs jungle help. If I'm wrong please explain to me why so I can understand – Rengar top player

  14. No offense but that 2nd example had so many holes in it I mean u won't dive him at level 3 even if he has all those minions you were at 40% hp as well and to be honest it is just a jungle I get the minions strategy but that's about it tbh and also why would Camile start e level 1 lol

  15. "The lane is won" Only for mcbaze. What actually happens next is you get ganked and die. They push the tower. Then on your next turn back, they gank you again with mid as well, and they have herald, they then destroy both outer and inner towers while you're dead and your team is busy picking their noses. Then you get to spend the rest of the game farming under tower because they've got some stealth champ who will one hit you.

    This idea that the lane is won after one good kill is just completely trash. It depends on so much. Skill, champs, jgs, mids. And on and on and on.


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