How Xbox Could Dethrone the PS5

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Here’s how the Xbox Series X could dethrone the PS5! Subscribe for more great content!

Sony’s PlayStation 5 is currently dominating the market and its upcoming exclusives will probably secure its place on the mountaintop. We’re not saying β€œPS5 is best console.” We are aware that Xbox still has a handful of cards to play, and surprisingly, it’s not what a lot of people seem to be talking about. Xbox clearly has a long-term strategy currently in play right now. It’s a simple mix of classic IPs, Game Pass, and all those acquisitions that have occurred over the last few years. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at How Xbox Could Dethrone the PS5! Do YOU have a next gen console? If so, which? Let us know in the comments!

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34 thoughts on “How Xbox Could Dethrone the PS5”

  1. Sony needs to step up the game, ditch hhe SJW pandering and focus on their audience's wants. Trying to censor your games is a lising strategy.

    That said Microsoft has a history full of sin. It's not easy to shed this stigma.

  2. This video doesn't mention xcloud either. I know not everyone has a viable internet connection for this service, but you don't even need an Xbox all this. Xbox can get you subscribing to their service every month and you can play those games anywhere

  3. We're still talking about console sales like it's fucking 2008. Microsoft, a software company, doesn't give a shit about hardware sales since they make MORE MONEY on software sales/ GP subscriptions. Gamers needs to move on with the times and realize that the archaic way of measuring a platform's success via hardware sales is IRRELEVANT anymore. FYI. Microsoft and Sony lose money on consoles.

  4. Sounds more like a Sony hater with this video. Sony definitely has more variety in games than Xbox. No mention of games like Dreams and Concrete Genie. Nothing like those games on Xbox. VR2 is also coming. Nobody cares about Xbox nowadays πŸ˜΄πŸ™„πŸ˜’

  5. In my opinion, I still find Xbox as impractical because of their games and services being avaliable and easily accessible in PC. Also after watching the video, I also realize that Xbox could just live as a Game Developer Corporation than a console due to the expenses that a console must in going against Sony which is really uneccessary. Although it does look promising, PC being more practical spells doom for both consoles especially Xbox.

  6. 15:22 ehmmm No , they didn't Say they'll put them on other platforms they meant contractual obligations :(Deathloop, Ghostwire:tokyo) , he then Said that The Bethesda Games Will appear on platforms we're Game pass exists

  7. Nice work trying to recover from getting absolutely hammered last time, you must have realized that the playstation fanboys are a lot smaller than you thought. lmao

  8. I have a Switch, a ps5 and xbox series x (It's been a little easier to get them in Australia not super easy, but possible). I have gamepass and have to say I don't touch the xbox much. I play mainly the switch for now as I have quite a back catalogue, but I have enjoyed playing spiderman miles morales, deamon souls, and ghosts of tsushima. But apart from old halo games I am not impressed with the game pass catalogue in Australia. Its going to be a long way back for xbox. A slow burn, its possible, but I am far more excited for Sony and Nintendo IP's for now.

  9. this list has really gotten my brain thinking. I wasn't gonna watch the full 20 minutes but I was hooked all the way through. I really agree about all the Sony stuff. I miss sly Cooper and jak and dexter so much and need to be brought back to some capacity. the medievil remake from 2019 had so much potential room and while I'm looking forward to all the upcoming ps5 exclusives they have, especially ratchet and clank rift apart, I just really think acitvision and especially square Enix games will really be the only ones that have me hooked on the console. looking at you crash bandicoot, Spyro the dragon. kingdom hearts and final fantasy.


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