Huge Hollow Knight: Silksong News! – Everything You Need To Know

Hollow Knight Silksong do be looking good tho

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Thanks for an amazing 2020, you really made an otherwise disappointing year much more bearable! Love ya all! Can’t wait to get back to you with more Silksong and Hollow Knight content in 2021, and with even more videos, gameplay, memes, shitposts etc after Silksong’s release

#silksong #hollowknight #silksongnews


49 thoughts on “Huge Hollow Knight: Silksong News! – Everything You Need To Know”

  1. Zote onlyfans at 100k subs!

    I JUST REALISED LICHEN IS PRONOUNCED LI-CKEN, please do not kill me for mispronouncing lol

    And that is it! With this video, 2020 is over and done (thank Gorb). I can't wait to get back to you in 2021 with more Silksong content! Love goes out to every viewer, Patreon supporter and to EDGE magazine's Jen and to Team Cherry! You all made those last two weeks of this year really special.

    We all know how 2020 was, so let us just hope that 2021 learns how to git gud

    Other good videos on the subject (list may be expanded as more videos get published): – from DeepDockProletarian – from T4coTV – from Rusty

  2. Though there is a point to be made in regards to development on their new game being an indicator that Silksong is at the very least its twilight years of development, I really wouldn't hold my breath on it coming any sooner than mid to late 2021. I've seen some people throw around a March or even February release date… Nah, that's extremely unlikely. If it were that late on in development, TC would have likely been a tad more transparent about a release date considering how soon off that is. I know they like to be mysterious sods, but even that's pushing credibility a smidge.

    Right now, at my most optimistic, I can't say any earlier than May 2021.

  3. the focus shifting towards combat and not much on platforming kinda worries me since Path of pain was my favourite part of the game i still enjoyed the combat i just wish there is some hidden section in silksong which is like the white palace

  4. Question, do you know if the game will be release in all language at once… or just english ?
    (I don't know if Hollow Knight was out only in english or all language at all)

  5. Tough decision is if I wait for the Xbox port, or get this on the switch. I prefer the Xbox controller and have hollow knight on Xbox, so that would be my preference, but I don't know if I can wait that long.

  6. Verspätetes, gutes neues Jahr, guten Rutsch und nicht ausrutschen!

    But seriously the edges of my mouth are above my ears right now, I already spent half a year finishing the original Hollow Knight and found it huge
    Looks like this game will totally pay off then, I´m not trying to put my expectations too high but with Team Cherry I think they might actually be able to pull off such a stunt


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