I AM SO CLEAN! ANIVIA! – Unranked to Master: EUNE Edition | League of Legends

We’re playing some Anivia with the new Skin and it’s amazing! Makes me want to play a lot of Anivia! Like, Comment & Subscribe! League of Legends Anivia Mid Gameplay.

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I AM SO CLEAN! ANIVIA! – Unranked to Master: EUNE Edition | League of Legends


43 thoughts on “I AM SO CLEAN! ANIVIA! – Unranked to Master: EUNE Edition | League of Legends”

  1. QotD: This Sion is trolling, but not from champ select. I know they wanted to play AD turret destroying Sion but at some point they were not even getting turret damage because Zed was killing them so quick. It would've been okay if they lost lane, altered their gameplay, and waited for the correct time to split push in mid/late game. But instead they kept throwing themselves at the enemy turret and immediately getting killed, which is in essence "running it down."

  2. QOTD: my take on the subject is that such off-meta strats should be reserved for norma games. If you are just "trying it out" in ranked because you saw a random chally player doing it it's tantamount to griefing in my book.

  3. If someone is trying to win and actively has some kind of positive input even if they are using a weird strategy or playing an "off meta" champion to me they shouldn't be considered as a troll. But as you said it's not a yes or no type of argument there are a lot of exceptions after all you never know what the player is thinking

  4. Isn't it a good thing to do to roam to another lane if you're getting wrecked in your own lane? I'd think it would be more the fault of the lane she was roaming to not paying attention rather than the roamer.

  5. Why meta is stupid for assassins right now are mythic. Lethality is so overstated that adc use it all the time. Assassin can be behind but the moment they got mythic they can oneshot you. It's Riot being morons and destroying the game with mythic oneshot meta.

  6. 5:34 Tbh you’re saying that because most of your content is on smurf accounts, and if smurf queue didn’t exist (thank god it does) you would be ruining countless games for low elo players. Sure, Riot is “okay” with smurfs but they clearly don’t love them otherwise smurf queue wouldn’t be thing. I’m pretty sure another game (maybe Dota, correct me if I’m wrong plz) started punishing smurfing which I’m 100% in agreement with. So just because you don’t think of your smurf accounts as throwaways, where you can int and say disgusting things and not really be punished for it doesn’t mean that others won’t. Smurfing definitely does NOT belong in competitive gaming.

  7. QOTD: In my opinion, yes it is trolling. I had a sion build like this in my game and all he did was split push. When he did finally group we were out comped cause he was supposed to be our tank and he just went pop in every fight. Whether or not it works or not its still trolling

  8. OK.

    so personally weather someone is trolling or not comes down to intent, if someone picks ghost + cleanse nunu and runs it down all game then they are obviously intending to troll and should be banned. but if someone picks something off meta but makes it work then they might get an honour or two if they do well enough. the complication arrives when someone picks something off meta, keeps on trying to win their team the game to the best of their abilities as a player but ends up going 0,10. in a normal game I would give the person the benefit of the doubt that they were just trying something that didn't work out. ranked is a whole different case, I would look the persons account up to see if they have played, and have had any success with this in ranked OR normals before, if I don't find any good justification for them to be trying it in ranked then I would throw a report their way

  9. I consider a cheese pick more of an annoyance like adcs mid or top. They mostly are just there to make it so you don't have fun like shaco top and such. However I do agree if it's something that's just off meta than and it's what they play then I don't consider it trolling. Also people who try saying cheese picks like trynd mid with phase rush, this sion pick or twitch jungle take skill are lieing to themselves because they more so hope that whoever they are playing against doesn't know how to play against it

  10. Qotd: I think trying to genuinely learn and understand a build/strategy isn't trolling. However not changing up the strategy for the game especially if it's not working, that can be trolling. It's interesting that troling kinda just means having a bad and not knowing how to change and win but that's just an observation of league community.

  11. with the electrocute proc, I believe you might have it confused with thunderlord's decree which used to work like that before the new runes got added. the change also affected champs like lux, who cant get an electrocute proc off of applying passive with an ability and then detonating it with an auto. also, please play neeko support UwU

  12. It's weird, but a 0/16 sion can still outfarm others in the team, his gold is also decent. In that respect it's not as bad as it looks, however, his build imakes him utterly useless in a teamfight, so there's the troll part.

  13. QOTD: I think it's borderline trolling. Sure he's not intending to troll but he doesn't know how to pull this offand if it goes bad it goes REALLY bad to the point where it's pretty much trolling.

    Also this has happened so much to me this season. I win lane & my laner still ends up being fed due to roams.

  14. The thing about the Bausffs , that he knows how to make his Deaths really a "Good death" .. he knows how to get more from his death than the 300g the enemy team will get .
    also even if he's 0/15 .. he 99% of the time has 10cs/min , so he knows how to manage the wave and always get back to catch the wave , ends up scaling and carrying the game and creating INSANE pressure .
    but the thing is 99% of players doesn't get that and try to copy his style and end up JUST feeding .
    that's why he's a Challenger player and 99% of these people aren't .

  15. Funny that this game now is flipped , assassins is now the scaling champs that it doesn't matter how they lost lane ! ..
    it's even more weird that now it feels u HAVE to win lane as a Mage if u wanna do anything or else u won't scale as much , meanwhile assassins get out 0/5 of the lanning phase get some cleaning free kills and they back stronger than ever and out scaled u .
    Screw that really !


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