I Ascended 15 Characters at Once in Genshin Impact

It took me more than a month to level every remaining character to 60. I had to grind leyline outcrops for Hero’s wit and mora. Before this, I had leveled my MC Lumine to 90 so I was completely broke. I had to collect materials from scratch again.
The worst part was the elite boss drops. Specially the Oceanid. I am AR 55 but still pathetic when it comes to taking on Oceanid. I played a lot of co-op matches, 11 to be exact to get at least 24 cleansing hearts and I still died while being carried by Ganyus.
When it came to materials, 2 of these were a real pain. I had used all of my cor lapis on Ningguang to get her to Lv. 80. I am sure you already know, that ore is scattered everywhere. It is not found in a single place in large quantity except Mt. Hulao. my only option was to ask in co-op for this ore.
The second one was Violet grass. GOD, how can one item be so painful to gather? I only needed 30 but wow what an amazing location it grows on! A VERTICAL CLIFF! A lot of my characters broke their legs for mere 30 violet grass.
In the end I got it all and this is the result. I was able to ascend my 15 remaining characters to their 4th ascension and unlock all talents. I have all 4 star except Bennett, I don’t know why he never shows up in any wish.

In this video, I have ascended
Xiao(I got him in first 10 pulls, never intended to get him),
Kequing(Kequing banner, same as Xiao, got in first 10. Was trying for bennett but failed),
Mona, Noelle, Sucrose, Diona(c1 soul hunter), Chongyun, Kaeya(c1 ow ye), Beidou, Lisa(nice c3), Qingqiu, Barbara (My tank c5), Xinyan,
Xiangling(Now c5 but still don’t use her. i will have to now after wasting 50 pulls on Hu tao),
Amber(have c1 need more).

Thanks for watching!


21 thoughts on “I Ascended 15 Characters at Once in Genshin Impact”

  1. This gives me hope that my insane plan to max level my whole group of characters while I wait for Inazuma is possible (( I say max but I mean lvl 80 because I refuse to get my but kicked at a higher world level ))

  2. …wow
    you actually level everyone equally
    I am impressed beyond all belief
    Not many people choose this path but I am proud of you sticking to what you believe in. Keep being you because I'm sure that's what makes you such a cool person bringing us all the fun videos. Cheers!


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