I Can't Believe I Used to Hate This Gun… – Apex Legends Season 11

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Music used:

Run – Ross Bugden:


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40 thoughts on “I Can't Believe I Used to Hate This Gun… – Apex Legends Season 11”

  1. I’ve been using this gun since it came out and my friends think I’m crazy for using this gun over everything else. It’s nice to see people finally understand this weapon

  2. Whenever I pick up a 30-30, I only encounter the sweatiest bois, with movement gifted from Aceu himself… ITemp picks up a 30-30 and he runs into dudes who haven't heard of strafing yet lol

  3. 3030 the only weapon I just can not for the life of me hit any goddam shots. I can be aiming dead centre of the chest on a stationary target and still bloody miss. I hate it so much that I would rather run around with no weapon then pick up a 3030

  4. Lever actions are some of my favorite rifles to shoot personally, so I was really excited when they added one to this game have been using it since drop and have no plans to stop using it anytime soon

  5. I'm a fuse main, and i HATED this gun when it first came out. Way to inaccurate. Now I use it every game, I get most of my kills with it. I use it more as a sniper though. Put a 3x on it, and then get people from afar. I also think dual shell was a nice way to buff it without making it too overpowered


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