I Played 250 Games in 1 Month To Learn What's OP In Season 12 League of Legends

I played 250+ games of League of Legends this month… and despite losing my mind and wanting to uninstall – I decided to share what I learned. I played and suffered so you don’t have to. This is the fast track to climbing and winning in Season 12. This is an approximate tier list for season 12 League of Legends…

0:00 Intro
3:45 Obvious God-Tier
8:11 New Stuff
10:30 First Strike Assassins
12:00 Janna
14:28 Rammus
15:18 Xin Eclipse Build
16:25 Kai’Sa AP First Strike Mid
17:30 Twitch
18:11 New Broken Corki Build
19:34 Crit Viego
20:30 Akshan Top Lane
21:20 Rumble Mid
22:15 Zac Demonic Embrace
22:40 Champions That Need More Testing
22:50 Diana
23:40 Jhin
24:15 Caitlyn
25:12 New Ezreal Stuff
26:10 Evelynn First Strike

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Music in this video comes from Epidemic Sound
Music in this video also comes from Runescape 3 Soundtrack

Midbeast’s Video about the new Corki Build

Concepts: Best ADC 11.24 Best support 11.24, best mid laners 11.24, best junglers 11.24, best top laners 11.24, patch 11.24 rundown, 11.24 lol, 11.24 changes, item buffs 11.24, preseason 11.24, chemtech drake 11.24, hextech drake 11.24, gwen buffs 11.24b, olaf buffs 11.24b, kai’sa buffs 11.24b, varus buffs 11.24b, pyke buffs 11.24b, glacial augment buffs 11.24b, first strike nerfs 11.24b, dr. mundo nerfs 11.24b, kassadin nerfs 11.24b, lux nerfs 11.24b, vayne nerfs 11.24b, talon nerfs 11.24b,

#tierlist #league #Season12 #leagueoflegends #riotgames


46 thoughts on “I Played 250 Games in 1 Month To Learn What's OP In Season 12 League of Legends”

  1. Possible alternate title(s) for this video

    League of Legends player smashes 3 keyboards
    YouTuber regrets career choice
    New form of torture discovered and documented to be used in times of global conflict
    Addict is Addicted
    Mistakes were made: A League of Legends Story
    Literally a completely standard month for Tyler1
    why is this washed up diamond stuck youtuber wasting my time when everyone knows all u have to do is play yasuo and u get challenger for free lol unsubbed

  2. I honestly enjoy your historical videos better. That being said I don't think this was a bad video and more videos like this would bring me to your channel more. I think a nice balance between the two types of videos would give you some interesting diversity and more clicks. Maybe add a third along the lines of the history of organizations or certain players as well as champions. Keep making the historical videos though and I will still come back for more.

  3. I really loved this video, I put in about 1000 games in S11 so preseason was going to be my time to take a bit of a break from the game, just starting to play a bit more again now so I'm not too rusty by the time S12 starts and this video was a really fun and stylized way to hear about things to look out for/try, even just hearing minor things like how dorans ring is insane on rumble now is inspiring me to try out brand new champs on my least played role, as always keep up the amazing work!

  4. I’d say my current favourite build is Taric with PTA into a redemption rush. Your auto resets let you stack PTA quickly, and the healing/mama regeneration that redemption gives is insane for fights and duals. Won a 1v1 against a 5/0 Zed with that rune and item. (Edit: as a support)

  5. I know how unbearable solo q is… So I really apreciate what you did with this video… but also is technically on brand with your content… I mean, keeping up with the meta and understanding thins that could possibly change the way we understand a champion (i.e. Nami) is what you do… and this is a fantastic way to understand how you do it. Keeo it up man… it's incredible

  6. season 8: a silver 5 draven main
    season 9: a silver 3 draven main
    season 10: a silver 2 draven main
    season 11 : a silver 2 70lp draven main
    and in season 12 guess what
    im still picking draven an till im challenger in 20 years.

  7. I feel like your videos are pretty good and are entertaining but for a player who wants to improve his gameplay it’s horrible. Like really bad! You sounds like someone from ProGuides. Pick this champion for some free elo. But this is not how you improve you make yourself worse because you do t have champion mastery. Therefore you will be never good at anything. And this is what we have seen from your performance. You pick a champion without having champion mastery you might get some free Elo but then you go all the way down, lose even more, try multiple champions since my champ just sucks, and then you do have a big tornado of negativity. I don’t expect you to do this since you are not a coach but what I wish that you would mention that your viewers should be careful with swapping champions. The swapping should be finished after preseason. I say this not because I’m a hater. I’m saying this because people come to me because they need an expert helping them get back to their initial goals and I have to undo all these negative thoughts which they got from such content as well.

    But anyways- keep working. Your quality is amazing. Thanks a lot

  8. This was very informative and entertaining, but if I may offer 1 piece of advice is try listening to your teammates less especially in soloq, they don't enjoy the game as much as you do if all they want is to type in chat or ping you 😀

  9. Cait is actually pretty skill based champion, the "easy to learn hard to master" one. Her skillset is very straightforward, but to use her well you need a lot of practice and knowlage in the game.
    And her winrate is the result of visual update + Arcane hype, a lot of people are playing her now.
    I like Cait but I only play her on ARAM cause I know I'm not very good at her and I have no intent of learning her triicks either.

    PS this video was not what I expected from you, but I absolutely like your way of creating content and the effort you put in it, so I guess I gotta watch every video as always and tell you if there was any that I disliked 😀 Keep on doing what you're doing, you're doing good!

  10. Great video! Also tank Maokai top feels quite strong right now, at least when I have played it. He lose lane against pretty much everyone but his sustain is insane, and if you can farm well you Will become unkillable with 2-3 items. I usually go grasp of the undying for even more healing in fights and inspiration secondary for biscuits, Maokai has mana problems early game. First base i usually buy tear to stack it. First item: Sunfire because of the bonus dmg after you have been in a fight for a while, Maokai needs dmg because he pretty much has none. Second: Fimbulwinter for the passive when it upgrades and the bonus mana that it gives. Third: thornmail (the passive bonus dmg helps Maokai do more dmg) or frozen heart (if a lot of autoattackers) if the enemy has a lot of AD, Spirit Visage if they have a lot of AP and to increase you healing even more. Fourth: if i went frozen heart or thornmail third i Will go spirit visage fourth for the healing, if i went spirit visage third i would build depending on their team comp, if pretty much everyone is AP i would go force of nature, if only like 3 AP and 2 AD i would probably build thornmail or frozen heart. Fifth: do whatever you want i dont usually get This long into the game, i either lose or win before fifth item majority of the games. Boots: If enemy team has lot of AD you could go armor boots, merc treads if they have a bit of cc as you need to stay on top if people to heal with your passive auto.
    If anyone wants to try it out Good luck, remember to not feed your lane opponent early or it Will become impossible to 1v1 him/her. And as i Said early you lose pretty much every matchup early.
    Edit: sorry for the long message did not realise it had become this long


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