I Really Suck at FNF

Jacks are too much for me


41 thoughts on “I Really Suck at FNF”

  1. Bruh i was the first one to create the title back in 2020 when i used to run my channel also please give some credit it was a school account unfortuney i can recover my youtube channel in 2022 i figered out how to create this account 2 of them in fact this is the second one at that i own that title so dont go wining or cryin in the comments like:"omg shut up nobody cares about your stupid title you dont own it" I DO ive been on youtube over a year without a account until the school in 2020 gave me a account that uses videos so what did i do i made content just for the viewers until 2021 or 2020 my account was wasted because the school admin found out my youtube channel Iost all my files all my subs all of my videos I was devasted because I put hard work on those videos just to make every one happy but it was shatered and I own rights to the title so just so you know who own the title it's me and I know people are not going to belive me so remember who own's THE TITLE.


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