I Was Wrong… The New Event Did NOT Save Genshin Impact

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33 thoughts on “I Was Wrong… The New Event Did NOT Save Genshin Impact”

  1. Hey man not everyone is a whale and can defeat extreme difficulty in 5 seconds🤦‍♂️ I am f2p and it gave a bit more of a challenge cuz I didn't have a c6 hu tao with r5 staff of homa and super high talents. So learn how mihoyo tries to be lenient with f2p people

  2. What they should do in the game: Add a long/raid-style co-op fight. Add a scoreboard that keeps track of how much damage everyone deals, how much they heal, etc. Those alone would make whales and end game players have something to do because competition keeps players from burning out, and gives players on the lower end something to work toward.

  3. It took me a while to do the last challenge and I needed to use Chide, Traveller, Bennet, and Xiangling all. I'm AR 55 and my artifacts are not bad. I think this one may be a whale problem.

  4. they could literally make it permanent refresh the rewards every week and the enemies and up the difficulty for extreme but mihoyo is braindead

  5. I approve on the dissaproval of mattjestic. Guy literally just reads notes in his monotone voice while waving his hands from left to right. But hey, it works apparently

  6. do this shit on your f2p account.. plus the event is starting from ar 20 or something..? unless mihoyo say they'll do events for ar 40 or 45+ don't complain..

  7. Mihoyo needs to know that not everyone needs to get these rewards. For example, a mid-late game player should only be able to easily pass the normal difficulty and maybe the medium difficulty. Late-early endgame game players could easily pass medium and maybe extreme difficulty. And for late endgame players extreme difficulty would still pose as a challenge but it requires a little skill and artifact luck to pass.

  8. Whales complaining that the unit they invested MULTIPLTE THOUSAND DOLLARS into can beat the game they playing and their challenge easily will always be funny to me

  9. I’m fine with this difficulty because I don’t have time to grind to prove that I’m a great gamer. Spiral abyss bores me because it doesn’t net me much as a content creator. You have whale problems.


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