If I Can’t make You like videogames More by the end of this video unsubscribe!

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11 thoughts on “If I Can’t make You like videogames More by the end of this video unsubscribe!”

  1. So if people who play video games are quote unquote 'known to have better social skills' then why the hell am I almost always socially awkward and why do I have terrible social skills like I can barely even talk to anyone I dont know and just today I had to go to the school which I haven't done all school year cause I am a flex student that does the school work at home and I could barely even talk to people I KNOW FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD also I think my friend is no longer my friend cause when I left the school I saw him and went to say hi and ask how he's doing but he just gave me a small hello and when I did ask him how it's going he just walked away and it almost seemed like he was ignoring me so yeah that happened and umm well my day just was not a very good one at all


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