If you get this TTV Crypto on your team – just leave the game. Apex legends

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Getting some interesting games this ranked split and found it funny that I came across a thrower that managed to make me lose the will. However, managed to channel my focus and also some fun later on with my good friend @SooXfar


36 thoughts on “If you get this TTV Crypto on your team – just leave the game. Apex legends”

  1. Bro… That crypto is from Season 1 and has one of the highest season badge. Meaning he was probably really good and then became pacifist. Im guessing he is bored of the game. Or its a she but still idea

  2. This is gold lol Reminds me of the time we had a Bangalore on the team, throwing smoke unnecessarily whenever the ability cooled down. Worst part was that he/she threw ultimates on top of us non stop. It was truly a new level of sabotage. Once the bangalore died, the player pinged to retrieve the banner repeatedly, even though their box was lying in a level 3 ring. Has to be my worst match ever

  3. May allah not forgive you and nobody will, even your friends crypto may allah punishes you

    Crypto if your reading this
    You’ve angered allah even if it’s a video game
    No matter what your doing
    Annoying or being a scumbag in everything your doing can literally anger allah
    And all the players that you’ve being a damn kid not playing the game probably

  4. So many toxic trash players on apex
    That said probably should of played the ring cos if I see 2 players running away from it I'm probably think to myself they don't know what they are doing lol


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