I'm Done Apex…I'm Done with this

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I’m sorry for the seriousness of the video. I just felt like it was time someone start talking. It feels like its getting out of hand and I am sick of trying to convince people to “look forward to x” when there is no “x” to look forward to.

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43 thoughts on “I'm Done Apex…I'm Done with this”

  1. I'm sorry for the seriousness of the video. I just felt like it was time someone start talking. It feels like its getting out of hand and I am sick of trying to convince people to "look forward to x" when there is no "x" to look forward to. Things will get better at some point. Just a long dry spot right now for the Apex Fans. Love yall, and will always look for a way to make your day better, hope you understand that me being up front and blunt about the issues with the game is not being negative. <3 See yall in the next.

  2. I agree. Full stop. The Respawn now isn’t the respawn that made Titanfall 2 . And it isn’t the same respawn that made apex season 0 to 7. (Except season 6). If you wanna talk about this I’m down to talk bro!

  3. I just watched the trailer for the new "Event"
    It's just skins….
    What happened to when these events actually had new things?
    Yes we have a new Arena map but that is not enough

  4. Dude Apex is a FUCKING JOKE right now, they need to seriously sort their shit out!!!! Cosmetics cosmetics cosmetics and a new Arena's map which no one wants.

  5. Spot on. I am a day 1 player but these recent seasons have been so lackluster. I loved to grind ranked solo earlier but now it's so boring. Banging my head gives me more pleasure than this game nowadays. I just wanna enjoy the game I fell in love with and investted thousands of hours in. But I'm done until they bring actual changes to the game instead of just running a cosmetic shop with cool animation promos. Haven't touched this game once in last 2 weeks(already grinded solo to diamond last split so no motivation to play ranked again this split). Till then I'm just gonna play Valorant or some other sht.

  6. Finally! I agree with you 100%. I logged onto YouTube today to check out Thordan's viewpoint of the release of this "event", and was PLEASANTLY surprised to see you speaking the honest truth..I agree with everything you've said. I have not played since ranked split/Halo release, and I am a season 1 player…Harsh truths need to be said and heard.

  7. Apex is still a great game but it could be so so much more. I highly doubt anything will change because of this video because at the end of the day EA is behind this game and that means the investors who only care about how much money it makes control it and pull the strings

  8. What if everyone just stopped buying skins? Lets be honest their really not worth the money to begin with and only 2 or 3 a season come out that are actually cool and unique. We stop buying skins, they stop making money.

  9. Good video and I agree! Respawn/EA has focused primarily on in game transactions and not content/reliability. I don't expect the devs and programs to work 80 hour weeks (it's a game) but if you promise something to the players then deliver on those promises and staff properly to handle the work load (it's called planning). Try "Under promise, over deliver" you'll set yourself up for success. I know data miners are a buzz kill on new content and kill the hype, one of the best moves they did a while ago was putting in false code or story lines that throw off the data miners and then surprised everyone with Revenant as the new character, that was great, and the message boards went crazy. As for the cheaters and banning, that's easy. The "team" (not one person) should be completely unknown to the community with zero ties/relationships to players and just do their job. One person cannot police and hand out punishment to a player field this large.

  10. This game literally makes me sooooooo MAD in 20 mins. Between cheats, bugs, shit matchmaking, and nothing new to do I can't even enjoy the only game I like to play… halo is cool and all but Apex has the movement and a dedicated skill set that other fps can't match.

  11. Thank you for saying this!!! I’ve been waiting for an Apex content creator to say this for so long because for me, it’s really disappointing because for 2 years I would play Apex everyday loving the new content and getting to play casually. And then things started going wrong and me only in gold 1 started getting into pred lobbies not even in ranked, and that never got fixed for me. So I started playing it less and less until it got to season 11, and me and my friends were all hyped for the new map and we were having fun playing for about a week until suddenly we realized that, nothing had really changed with the game we were just blinded by the new map and how pretty it looked. So I’ve stopped playing Apex for now but I still watch the news and every once and a while gameplay videos to see if anything changes.

  12. Why are you upset that a company is trying to make a profit? You can be upset that they haven’t made a new LTM, but you’re acting like they’re monsters for selling a product. Bro, they had a bunch of developers leave. They’re hiring more to design LTMs. Calm down.

  13. Hey brother, I've been watching your video's for awhile. Didn't realize I wasn't subscribed so now I am. Congrats on the baby on good luck in the future.
    On to the topic though. To be clear, this is one of my favourite games, however, you can't be "great" and retain that title "just because". They're has been a lack of effort from respawns side that's for sure but I don't think anybody really knows why. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm just opening up the discussion to something more productive than a "this sucks" sort of mentality and try to bring something positive out of this. Maybe they really are lacking in there respective departments that are required to dish out such content. Maybe they working on something big. Maybe EA is forcing them to make top dollar over content effectively strangling Respawn for profits. It's not like EA hasn't done anything like that before. All I'm saying is whether it's good news or bad news and however likely a scenario maybe, we don't know exactly what is going on so we can't make accusations. What we can do is demand answers. I wonder what would happen if everybody just stopped playing apex for a week or two. I highly doubt the mentality nor the maturity to pull that off exists in apex but I wonder if that were to happen. Maybe apex would listen then. The people have the power in a game like this and if we could band together we could make a change. Putting that together would be something else. That, in my mind, is the only way you will not only get answers but also get the answers you want.

  14. I feel bad for the people working there, they are overworked and underappreciated. But that's no excuse for lack of LTMs. It's up to the people at the top to spend the millions of dollars in revenue they earn on more staff and more resources to help the staff already there.

  15. I have been saying it a while. We be sucking EA's rooster for a while now and we are they ones to pay for the privilege of doing so and get nothing in return lmao. I still enjoy the gane tho just im done sucking rooster. I was hella pissed the patch notes last update were the most trivial shit about a grenade that I don't feel even changed anything

  16. No brother we want the truth keep it up You are absolute right we all have eyes we can see what happening from day one, people using cheats from season 1 and they are still undetected i am sick off playing with people who are using scripts cronos devices aimbot soft aim have aim assist on mouse and keyboard you encounter these players every day and you dont know what to look for what we need from the start is the anti cheat software who can detect and ban people not one guy banning people from ranked , what about pub games.

  17. man they want us 2 buy skins, , while i just got head shot beamed in arena's for the thousands time , that say's enough man, also the cannon of the wobbly head fuse skin , doesn't show the skin when using the ability.,,,, top quality mate !


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