Imagine Earth (2020) – Planetary Exploitation Sci Fi City Building

Imagine Earth Gameplay with Splat! Let’s Play Imagine Earth and check out a game where you’ll colonize planets, trade goods, and talk to weird looking aliens.

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38 thoughts on “Imagine Earth (2020) – Planetary Exploitation Sci Fi City Building”

  1. gold being devalued by space mining and stuff is true to a point but it's super useful for all things technology related so in a world where there's ever-increasing levels of technology and tech use it will still remain pretty valuable solely for its industrial uses

  2. this reminds me of something…

    Looking beyond the Veil

    If the sources mentioned below are speaking the truth, it means nothing less than that mankind is in the process of finally liberating itself (with the help from above) from the agelong oppression by the dark overlords. But this game is much bigger than one would like to suspect:

    We are currently experiencing the end of an intergalactic/interdimensional war between Light and Dark, that has lasted for millions of years, with Earth being the last occupied planet under the control of the dark forces and the victory of light being inevitable… Sounds incredible? It is!

    Some background information:

    Through the interaction of free will with the Primary Anomaly, which is the polar opposite (yet part of) Source, darkness/evil emerged long ago, when the first beings began to turn away from the Light, disregarding the law of unity and enriching themselves at the expense of others.

    At first, this development was tolerated (Lucifer played a part in this fall from grace, but is actually not to blame, because he merely made this experience possible and took sheer infinite pain onto himself in the process). But that so much suffering would ever result from it, was never in the spirit of Source. Therefore, the belief that suffering is inevitably part of existence is a misconception, that stems from our matrix programming: our true state of being is pure peace and unconditional love.

    But the Archons (dark entities) have set out to subjugate the universe and have occupied and enslaved many star systems and planets. Among them is our beautiful Mother Earth, which they conquered about 26.000 years ago.

    The bitter reality up until now:

    Since then, mankind has been controlled, oppressed and exploited from the shadows (other planes of existence) by the Archons and their Minions, the Draco and Reptilians:

    Our natural connection to higher levels of consciousness and ultimately to Source has been cut off by a matrix of energetic barriers and implants, energetic attacks, and psychological warfare and manipulation.

    Through the installation of patriarchal religions, sins and the image of a punishing God, the suppression of our true history of origin, suppression of the divine feminine, sexuality and spirituality, suppression of science (example: free energy, see Tesla) and holistic medicine (maintaining a materialistic-deterministic world view, school-medicine that does more harm than it offers healing). Through the poisoning of our food, our drinking water, the atmosphere and the perversion of art and media… the list is long! Not a single aspect of our lives has been left out!

    Virtually everything has been corrupted by these parasites and used to our detriment. They have deliberately kept us in a in a vicious cycle of trauma and suffering and have sown disaster wherever they can, feeding on our fear and the negative energies that all the suffering generates:

    They have removed themselves so far from source, that they depend on the life energy of other beings for survival! And so they created this perfidious system – a prison of suffering invisible to the inmates – where they could feast on the prisoners without them noticing. In this way, they subdued many planets and space-races and perfected their cruel technologies over millions of years.

    This is the reason why our world is ruled by tyrants and psychopaths, the reason why there is so much injustice and for many here is hell on earth. No species would destroy itself on its own initiative in such a way, that simply contradicts the laws of evolution. We would have long been ready to travel the universe in peace and harmony as one species (like all other races in the free universe do). But our governments are controlled by the Deepstate, which in turn is controlled by the black aristocracy, where the Archons incarnated and ruled, which are the origin of our misery. Humanity has been oppressed and poisoned, raped and traumatized, and their souls have been caught in the endless wheel of karma and rebirth. This is what our sad reality has looked like so far…

    Throughout history, there have been repeated attempts by the lightforces to free humanity from within this prison (Jesus, Buddha, Hermes Trismegisto, St. Germain and many others). But even if these beings brought much wisdom and light to the earth and illuminated it sustainably, the matrix was simply too strong for mankind to free itself…

    But now the time of change has finally come!

    Since the 1970s, the Galactic Federation (they already reside in our solar system with millions of ships!) has been working with the Resistance Movement on Earth and the people of Argata/Inner Earth (who fled there after the fall of Atlantis and the first Archon invasion) to free humanity once and for all!

    Problem: Humanity is held hostage by the dark. This means that if the forces of light would physically intervene here on earth, complete chaos would ensue and the dark forces would destroy everything before humanity could be saved. Too many would lose their lives. Therefore, unbelievably skilled and careful action must be taken. The dark rulers are fighting back, as you can see, and are now using their last resources (Covid-19) to install their NWO and force humanity into submission to keep their power.

    But they are already checkmate and they know it! The victory of light is inevitable and already visible from the higher planes! All positive timelines have been secured, all drastically negative ones have been resolved. Each and every day more people become aware, the matrix is continuously being dismantled and the light here on earth is increasing steadily. However, the dark ones are not ready to surrender and continue with their evil agenda. Therefore, the situation for us on earth is now becoming more and more instable and intense until everything discharges at once:

    The Event!

    Once the Matrix/the old system has collapsed and the dark ones are disempowered and disarmed enough to intervene, the cabal/deepstate will be arrested and held accountable for all their actions. Everything is prepared:

    The financial system will be reset and replaced by a fair one. All suppressed inventions and technologies are going to be released. The media will be freed and report the truth again! The veil of illusions will fall and we will finally be free!

    With this cosmic event – the timing of which cannot be predicted, but which (in my opinion and in the opinion of many others) is very likely to happen within the next 6 months – a wave of love and light from the Galactic Central Sun will hit the Earth, dissolving the last remnants of the primary anomaly and illuminating the entire planet, which will be clearly felt by many. The Matrix will finally collapse and there will be a collective sigh of relief. Nevertheless, it will also be a shock for many, because not everyone will have woken up by then – the matrix programming still sits too deep.

    A lot of healing will be necessary, but the worst will be over. All humans will finally be able to live in peace, freedom and abundance!

    Not long after the Event, the Resistance Movement will make itself public and the first official physical contacts with our starry brothers and sisters will be made and nothing will stand in the way anymore of our returning home to the higher planes of existence. Gaia will be ascending into the 5th density of unity consciousness and everyone, who is willing to step fully into the light is going with her. The golden Age of Aquarius is dawning…

    What a time to be alive!

    PS: Each and every one of us who is committed to this shift with love and truthfulness or who simply lets his/her light shine, contributes an invaluable part to this liberation! Thank you all for that!

    Victory of the Light!

    Here are a few links:

    Overview of the most important articles by CoBra (the speaker of the Resistance Movement):

    CoBra's Blog:

    Another great and truthful blog, FM 144:

    Documents with guidelines for the time around the event to help make the shift as smooth as possible:

    The official Age of Aquarius – Facebook group:

    AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Huge global mass meditation on december 21/22th at the exact time of jupiter-saturn conjuction! The final activation of the Age of Aquarius:

    Your Time and Date depending on your timezone as well as further info and the guided meditation can be found in the video‘s description.

  3. I like when you can come back to games previously covered because more often than not one video feels to little to have a good idea of what the game has to offer. Thanks for checking in back on this one Splatt.

  4. Well, I have always been interested in many different city building kind of games, some are ok, some are really fun, but this one just really didn't resonate with me, I watch a lot of SplatterCats content, and have enjoyed many games he plays. I felt like as I watched this that I was often wondering if the video was almost over, I feel like that says something to me about the level of interest the game generated for me. Kind of a little bit of a "slow" feeling, or game didn't seem to be doing much, can't put a specific finger on it.

  5. I was on the fence with this one but what put it to a big no is their game trailer stating that growth and sustainability are the final challenges for mankind. Unregulated population growth is what got us into the current mess we are in now with this flu/virus and this is nothing compared to what will come within the next decade. The earth is revolting against us just like it does for any overpopulated animal species and wants only the fittest to survive. Making vaccines is not going to help the human race evolve and only weakens us as a species same as has happened with all of our domesticated animals.


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