ImperialHal Receives $10,000 Donation From Trainwreckstv | Apex Legends Highlights Best Moments

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imperial hal receives a generous dono from trainwrecks as a Christmas gift.

0:00 Train 10K DONO
1:08 Faide Crazy outplay
2:07 dafran being dafran
2:39 Stormen grapple dodge
3:17 valk Kraber
3:31 no reg for days albrelalie
4:21 Taisheen 1v3
4:55 faide jumpscare
5:21 arcs star Modcheck?
5:44 mande train to rich
6:17 hal rage
7:04 shivfps umm?

Credit to Streamers featured in this video:

Imperialhal –
Dafran –
Stormen –
Nokokopuffs –
Taisheen –
Mande –
ShivFPS –
Trainwrecks –
Faide –
Amaazz –
Albralelie –


35 thoughts on “ImperialHal Receives $10,000 Donation From Trainwreckstv | Apex Legends Highlights Best Moments”

  1. SOOOO many other content creators, or streamers deserve a dono like that more. Hal is the shot caller for a pro comp team, one of the biggest orgs in the game. He doesn't need that money lmao. The world is a fucked-up place.

  2. Why would you donate 10k to the first apex legends streamer ? I mean that's generous but it's like giving medicines to a healthy person while there are plenty of sick people right around 😑

    Is Train trying to promote himself or what

  3. I just don’t like how they are so used to shitting on people and like they have one bad go or mistake and say the game is bad then next run they smack shit and get all happy again like what 😂💀

  4. Im not knocking train because train definitely does go to really small streamers streams and gives huge donos like this, it just goes unnoticed because they are small streamers and he doesnt talk about it. But is it really necessary to gift that much money to someone who is already doing just fine financially? Hal did not need that money at all. I dont and I never will understand the concept of donating money to anyone is already wealthy. That goes for regular fans of twitch streamers who send any cash donations and huge sub count gifts to some of the top viewed streamers on twitch. Go donate money to someone less fortunate or who is actually in need, weather it be a small streamer who grinds hard, a homeless person, or a single mother who works 2 jobs to pay the bills and still can barely afford xmas gifts for her children. When you are "donating" money to a wealthy person I cant come to any other conclusion then you just want attention from them.


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