ImperialHal Thoughts on Taxi2g Getting Banned

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40 thoughts on “ImperialHal Thoughts on Taxi2g Getting Banned”

  1. Hal: uses charged rampage exploit to kill entire teams in pred lobbies

    Taxi: uses a speed bug to run around laughing for 2 hours

    Hal is such a whiny hypocrite

  2. So what Hal is saying is its totally cool for respawn to perma ban someone and completely ruin their career for their game being absolute dog shit. Love to see it. I cannot wait for a new br to come out. Hate it here.

  3. hal didnt lie lol. taxi wasnt doing it to spread info about it, he was literally just abusing it and he kept abusing it til he got temp banned 2 times and then perm banned

  4. I saw people were pointing at Apex dev for not making it clear what exploits are allowed and what is not. It looks like the exploits that the Devs allow are exploits that they can't fix. So there's no other way other than to allow it. Or at least not fixable without having to make a big change that might be time consuming or might break other aspects of the game. I still think they need to be more strict about it especially since the game can be played with both keyboard and controller and some exploits can only be used by one or the other.

  5. I've unsubscribed from this channel ever since the guy changed his intros. No hate, just really not for me. I'm just curious how long it'll take to get this channel out of my algorithm. Does anyone know?

  6. Idk, the caustic exploit didn't even seem that good, and apparently it's easy to mess up from what I saw? Like just patch that shit and move on imo lol, who cares if it's used until then? 🤷🏼‍♂️


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